首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C. Journal of mechanical engineering science >Design and kinematics analysis of a novel serial-parallel kinematic machine

Design and kinematics analysis of a novel serial-parallel kinematic machine


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A novel serial-parallel kinematic machine based on a serial-parallel manipulator is proposed and its kinematics and statics are studied systematically. First, the concept of serial-parallel kinematic machine formed by the 3-PRS parallel manipulator and the 2-UPR+SPR PM is proposed. Second, the displacement is derived in close form based on the geometrical and dimensional constraints existed in the serial-parallel kinematic machine. Third, the Jacobian, velocity and statics of the serial-parallel kinematic machine are derived in the explicit and compact form. Finally, the formulas for solving the acceleration of this serial-parallel kinematic machine are derived. This research will lay a good foundation for the development of the serial-parallel kinematic machine.
机译:提出了一种基于串并联机械手的新型串并联运动机,并对其运动学和静力学进行了系统的研究。首先,提出了由3-PRS并联机械手和2-UPR + SPR PM组成的串并联运动机的概念。其次,基于串并联运动学机器中存在的几何和尺寸约束,以近似形式导出位移。第三,以显式且紧凑的形式导出串并联运动机的雅可比行列式,速度和静力学。最后,推导了求解该串并联运动机的加速度的公式。该研究将为串并联运动学机器的发展奠定良好的基础。



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