首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Effects of a physical activity and nutrition program for seniors on body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio: A randomised controlled trial

Effects of a physical activity and nutrition program for seniors on body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio: A randomised controlled trial


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Objective: To investigate whether a home-based program, physical activity and nutrition for seniors (PANS), made positive changes to central obesity, measured by body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). Methods: A 6-month randomised controlled trial was conducted targeting overweight and sedentary older adults aged 60 to 70. years residing in low to medium socio-economic suburbs within metropolitan Perth. Intervention participants (n = 248) received mailed materials and telephone/email support to improve nutrition and physical activity levels. Controls (n = 230) received small incentives to complete baseline and post-intervention questionnaires. Both groups reported anthropometric measures following specific written instructions. Generalised estimating equation models were used to assess repeated outcomes of BMI and WHR over both time points. Results: 176 intervention and 199 controls (response rate 78.5%) with complete data were available for analysis. After controlling for demographic and other confounding factors, the intervention group demonstrated a small (0.02) but significant reduction in WHR (p = 0.03) compared to controls, no apparent change in BMI was evident for both groups. The 0.02 reduction in mean WHR corresponded to a 2.11. cm decrease in waist circumference for a typical hip circumference. Conclusion: PANS appears to improve the WHR of participants. Changes in BMI might require a longer term intervention to take effect, and/or a follow-up study to confirm its sustainability.
机译:目的:研究以体重指数(BMI)和腰臀比(WHR)衡量的家庭计划,老年人的体育锻炼和营养(PANS)是否对中枢型肥胖产生了积极的影响。方法:针对居住在大都市珀斯中低社会经济郊区,年龄在60至70岁之间的超重和久坐的老年人进行了为期6个月的随机对照试验。干预参与者(n = 248)收到了邮件材料和电话/电子邮件支持,以改善营养和身体活动水平。对照组(n = 230)获得了少量奖励,以完成基线和干预后问卷。两组均按照特定的书面说明报告了人体测量学指标。使用广义估计方程模型评估两个时间点的BMI和WHR的重复结果。结果:176例干预措施和199例对照(应答率78.5%)具有完整数据可供分析。在控制了人口统计学因素和其他混杂因素后,干预组的WHR较对照组小(0.02),但有显着降低(p = 0.03),两组的BMI均无明显变化。平均WHR降低0.02相当于2.11。腰围减少1 cm,典型的臀围减少。结论:PANS似乎可以改善参与者的WHR。 BMI的变化可能需要长期干预才能生效,和/或需要进行后续研究以确认其可持续性。



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