首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Cost effectiveness of changing health professionals' behavior: training dental hygienists in brief interventions for smokeless tobacco cessation.

Cost effectiveness of changing health professionals' behavior: training dental hygienists in brief interventions for smokeless tobacco cessation.


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OBJECTIVE: Disseminating effective interventions to health care professionals is a critical step in ensuring that patients receive needed advice and materials. This cost effectiveness analysis compared two methods of disseminating an effective protocol for smokeless tobacco cessation intervention. METHOD: Interested dental hygienists (N = 1051) were recruited in 20 Western and Midwestern U.S. communities and randomized by community to receive workshop training, self-study with mailed materials, and delayed self-study training, in 1996-98. Hygienists were surveyed about their smokeless tobacco-related activities with patients at baseline and post-intervention. Data on intervention costs were collected, and incremental costs per unit of behavior change were calculated. RESULTS: Self-study was more cost effective than workshop training under a wide range of assumptions: change in group versus individual behavior, hygienists' time and travel costs included or excluded, and hygienist wage rates at the national median or substantially lower. However, workshops may be as cost effective in producing behavior change among hygienists earning wages substantially higher than the national median. CONCLUSION: Self-study may be a more cost effective method than workshops to achieve behavior change among motivated health professionals.
机译:目的:向医疗保健专业人员传播有效的干预措施是确保患者获得所需建议和材料的关键步骤。这项成本效益分析比较了两种传播有效无烟戒烟干预措施的方法。方法:在1996-98年期间,在美国的20个西部和中西部社区中招募了感兴趣的牙齿卫生师(N = 1051),并按社区随机分组,接受了车间培训,邮寄材料的自学和延迟的自学培训。在基线和干预后,对卫生人员进行了与患者无烟烟草相关活动的调查。收集了有关干预成本的数据,并计算了每行为改变的增量成本。结果:在以下各种假设下,自学比讲习班培训更具成本效益:群体与个人行为的变化,卫生人员的时间和旅行成本被包括在内或排除在外,且卫生学家的工资水平处于全国中位数或更低。但是,在收入远高于全国中位数的卫生学家中,讲习班可能具有成本效益,可以改变人们的行为。结论:自研可能比研讨会更具有成本效益,可以使有动机的卫生专业人员实现行为改变。



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