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The benefit of public transportation: Physical activity to reduce obesity and ecological footprint


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The 20th century witnessed exponential growth of the human population. A concurrent change was urbanization, with close to half of the world's population residing in urban centers at the beginning of the 21st century (McGranahan and Sat-terthwaite, 2003). Humans have domesticated nature with a net benefit to themselves such as enhancing food supplies, reducing exposure to predators and other dangers, and promoting commerce, often at a cost to other species (Kareiva et al., 2007). A concept, ecological footprint (EF, the amount of land required to produce the resources needed by a person annually), was first introduced in 1996 and immediately applied for cities (Wackernagel and Rees, 1996; Folke et al., 1997). The EF is comprised of resources used to meet a person's food, water, and most significantly, energy demands for housing and transportation that account for up to 90% of the EF. The concept provides a reasonable tool to demonstrate natural resource dependence of human activities to politicians andthe public, although much work is needed to employ it as a cohesive analytical tool for management. Fortunately, advances have been made to assess the EF of water supplies (Jenerette and Larsen, 2006; Jenerette et al., 2006a; Jenerette, et al., 2006b), of transportation (Muniz and Galindo, 2005), and of household energy demand (Lenzen et al., 2004) and of its application in urban settings (Luck et al., 2001; Kaye et al., 2006; Du et al., 2006) and other land uses, barring the difficulty of estimating the EF of aquaculture production (Roth et al., 2000). The attractiveness of the EF is that it represents a single, quantifiable measure of human impact on the environment
机译:20世纪见证了人口的指数增长。同时发生的变化是城市化,在21世纪初,近一半的人口居住在城市中心(McGranahan和Sat-terthwaite,2003年)。人类已经驯化了自然,对其自身产生了净收益,例如增加了粮食供应,减少了对掠食者和其他危险的接触以及促进了商业活动,而这往往以其他物种为代价(Kareiva等,2007)。生态足迹(EF,即一个人每年生产所需资源所需的土地数量)是一种概念,于1996年首次提出,并立即应用于城市(Wackernagel和Rees,1996; Folke等,1997)。 EF包括用于满足人们食物,水的资源,最重要的是,住房和交通的能源需求占EF的90%。该概念为向政客和公众展示人类活动对自然资源的依赖提供了一种合理的工具,尽管需要大量工作才能将其用作管理的凝聚力分析工具。幸运的是,在评估水供应(Jenerette和Larsen,2006; Jenerette等,2006a; Jenerette等,2006b),交通运输(Muniz和Galindo,2005)以及家庭能源的EF方面取得了进展。需求(Lenzen等人,2004)及其在城市环境中的应用(Luck等人,2001; Kaye等人,2006; Du等人,2006)和其他土地利用,排除了估算EF的难度水产养殖产量(Roth等,2000)。 EF的吸引力在于它代表了人类对环境影响的单一,可量化的度量



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