首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Cost-benefit analysis of sustained-release bupropion, nicotine patch, or both for smoking cessation.

Cost-benefit analysis of sustained-release bupropion, nicotine patch, or both for smoking cessation.


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BACKGROUND: The nicotine transdermal patch (NTP) has been shown previously to be a cost-effective smoking cessation intervention. This is the first economic analysis comparing the NTP with the only non-nicotine-containing pharmacological intervention, bupropion HCl. METHODS: Decision-tree analysis, based on a previously published cost-benefit smoking-cessation model, was used to determine the optimal treatment from the standpoint of costs versus benefits, from the employer's perspective. Base-case probabilities of successful quitting in our model came from clinical trial point-prevalence data at the end of a 1-year follow-up study (N = 893) comparing placebo, bupropion, NTP, and bupropion/NTP in combination, administered along with minimal counseling. Sensitivity analyses were performed to determine the effects of variations in base-case assumptions regarding the monetary benefits that would accrue if an intervention were successful, probabilities of quitting, drug costs, cost of lost work time for a health care provider visit, and cost of the visit itself. RESULTS: The analysis showed that bupropion is more cost-beneficial than either NTP or bupropion/NTP, with a net benefit in the first post-quit year of up to
机译:背景:尼古丁透皮贴剂(NTP)先前已被证明是一种经济有效的戒烟干预措施。这是将NTP与唯一不含尼古丁的药理干预措施(盐酸安非他酮)进行比较的第一个经济分析。方法:基于先前公布的成本效益戒烟模型,从雇主的角度出发,从成本与收益的角度出发,决策树分析用于确定最佳治疗方法。在为期1年的随访研究(N = 893)结束时,通过比较安慰剂,安非他酮,NTP和安非他酮/ NTP联合使用,临床模型中成功戒烟的基本案例概率来自临床试验点流行率数据,以及最少的咨询。进行了敏感性分析,以确定基本案例假设中有关干预成功的货币收益,戒烟的可能性,药物成本,医疗服务提供者拜访的工作时间损失以及医疗费用的基本假设的变化的影响。访问本身。结果:分析表明,安非他酮比NTP或安非他酮/ NTP具有更高的成本效益,在退出后的第一年可获得净收益。



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