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General practitioners' coronary risk assessments and lipid-lowering treatment decisions in primary prevention: comparison between two European areas with different cardiovascular risk levels


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Aim: To investigate whether general practitioners (GPs) in countries with different levels of cardiovascular risk would make different risk estimates and choices about lipid-lowering treatment when assessing the same patients. Background: Primary prevention of coronary heart disease should be based on the quantitative assessment of an individual's absolute risk. Risk-scoring charts have been developed, but in clinical practice risk estimates are often made on a subjective basis. Methods: Mail survey. Nine written case simulations of four cases rated by the Framingham equations as high risk, and five rated as low-risk were mailed to 90 randomly selected GPs in Stockholm, as a high-risk area, and 90 in Sicily as a low-risk area. GPs were asked to estimate the 10-year coronary risk and to decide whether to start a lipid-lowering drug treatment. Findings: Overall risk estimate was lower in Stockholm than in Sicily for both high-risk cases (median 20.8; interquartile range (IQR) 13.5-30.0 versus 29.1; IQR 21.8-30.6; P= 0.033) and low-risk cases (6.4; IQR 2.2-9.6 versus 8.5; IQR 6.0-14.5; P= 0.006). Swedish GPs were less likely than Sicilian GPs to choose to treat when their estimate of risk was above the recommended cut-off limit for treatment, both for the entire group (means of GPs' decision proportions: 0.64 (0.45) and 0.92 (0.24), respectively, P = 0.001) and for high-risk cases (0.65 (0.45) and 0.93 (0.23), P= 0.001). Conclusions: The cardiovascular risk level in the general population influences GPs' evaluations of risk and subsequent decisions to start treatment. GPs' risk estimates seem to be inversely related to the general population risk level, and may lead to inappropriate over- or under-treatment of patients.
机译:目的:调查在评估同一患者时,具有不同心血管风险水平的国家的全科医生(GPs)是否会对降脂治疗做出不同的风险估计和选择。背景:冠心病的一级预防应基于对个人绝对风险的定量评估。已经开发了风险评分表,但是在临床实践中,风险评估通常是在主观的基础上进行的。方法:邮件调查。 9个书面案例模拟,分别由Framingham方程式评估为高风险的4个案例和5个评估为低风险的案例,分别邮寄给了斯德哥尔摩的90个随机选择的GP(高风险地区)和90个在西西里岛的低风险地区。要求全科医生估计10年的冠心病风险,并决定是否开始降脂药物治疗。调查结果:高风险病例(中位数20.8;四分位间距(IQR)13.5-30.0对29.1; IQR 21.8-30.6; P = 0.033)和低风险病例在斯德哥尔摩的总体风险估计均低于西西里岛。 IQR 2.2-9.6与8.5; IQR 6.0-14.5; P = 0.006)。当瑞典人全科医生的风险估计值超过建议的治疗临界值时,对于整个小组而言,他们都不如西西里人全科医生选择治疗(全科医生的决定比例:0.64(0.45)和0.92(0.24)分别为P = 0.001)和高危病例(0.65(0.45)和0.93(0.23),P = 0.001)。结论:普通人群的心血管风险水平会影响全科医生对风险的评估以及随后开始治疗的决定。全科医生的风险估计似乎与总体人群风险水平成反比,并且可能导致患者的过度治疗或治疗不足。



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