首页> 外文期刊>Peptides: An International Journal >Rapakinin, Arg-Ile-Tyr, derived from rapeseed napin, shows anti-opioid activity via the prostaglandin IP receptor followed by the cholecystokinin CCK(2) receptor in mice.

Rapakinin, Arg-Ile-Tyr, derived from rapeseed napin, shows anti-opioid activity via the prostaglandin IP receptor followed by the cholecystokinin CCK(2) receptor in mice.


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Rapakinin, Arg-Ile-Tyr, is a vasorelaxing, anti-hypertensive and anorexigenic peptide derived from rapeseed napin. In this study, we found that rapakinin intracerebroventricularly administered to mice inhibited the analgesic effect of morphine, evaluated by the tail-pinch test. The anti-opioid activity of rapakinin was blocked by LY225910, an antagonist of the cholecystokinin (CCK) CCK(2) receptor, but not by lorglumide, an antagonist of the CCK(1) receptor. The anti-opioid activity of rapakinin was also blocked by CAY10441, an antagonist of the prostaglandin (PG) IP receptor. These results suggest that the anti-opioid activity of rapakinin is mediated by the CCK(2) and IP receptors. The anti-opioid activity induced by ciprostene, an IP receptor agonist, was blocked by LY225910, while that of CCK-8 was not blocked by CAY10441. Thus, it is demonstrated that the CCK-CCK(2) system was activated downstream of the PGI(2)-IP receptor system. Taken together, rapakinin shows anti-opioid activity via the activation of the PGI(2)-IP receptor system followed by the CCK-CCK(2) receptor system.
机译:Rapakinin,Arg-Ile-Tyr,是衍生自油菜籽油菜籽素的血管松弛,抗高血压和厌食肽。在这项研究中,我们发现,通过尾巴试验评估,对小鼠脑室内给予的雷帕金林抑制吗啡的镇痛作用。雷帕金霉素的抗阿片类药物活性被胆囊收缩素(CCK)CCK(2)受体的拮抗剂LY225910阻断,但未被洛格鲁胺(CCK(1)受体的拮抗剂)阻断。雷帕金霉素的抗阿片类药物活性也被前列腺素(PG)IP受体拮抗剂CAY10441阻断。这些结果表明,rapakinin的抗阿片类药物活性是由CCK(2)和IP受体介导的。 IP受体激动剂烯诱导的抗阿片类药物活性被LY225910阻断,而CCK-8的抗阿片样活性未被CAY10441阻断。因此,证明了CCK-CCK(2)系统在PGI(2)-IP受体系统的下游被激活。两者合计,rapakinin通过激活PGI(2)-IP受体系统,然后由CCK-CCK(2)受体系统激活,显示出抗阿片类药物的活性。



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