首页> 外文期刊>Prehospital emergency care >Standard versus over-the-head cardiopulmonary resuscitation during simulated advanced life support.

Standard versus over-the-head cardiopulmonary resuscitation during simulated advanced life support.


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BACKGROUND: Limited space can make rescuer position changes difficult during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Over-the-head (OTH) CPR enables one rescuer to deliver chest compressions and ventilations without changing position. The aim of the present study was to evaluate quality of OTH versus standard CPR with bag-valve-mask (BVM) ventilation in a manikin model during advanced life support (ALS). METHOD: In a randomised double-crossover trial, eight paramedic students performed ALS using both OTH and standard CPR with BVM. Initial rhythm was asystole, converting to ventricular fibrillation after atropine, adrenaline, and CPR. Data collection was stopped after atropine and epinephrine had been given. Data are presented as means +/- SD or median with 25% and 75% percentile. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in ventilation or compression variables or any time factors with median total hands off times of 50% versus 52% for OTH and standard CPR respectively. CONCLUSION: OTH CPR is an alternative method during CPR.
机译:背景:有限的空间可能会使心肺复苏(CPR)期间的救援人员位置发生变化。头顶式(OTH)心肺复苏术使一名急救人员无需改变位置即可进行胸部按压和通气。本研究的目的是评估人体模型中高级生命支持(ALS)期间使用袋气门面罩(BVM)通风的OTH与标准CPR的质量。方法:在一项随机双交叉试验中,八名护理人员学生使用OTH和标准CPR与BVM进行了ALS。阿托品,肾上腺素和心肺复苏后最初的心律是心搏停止,转为心室纤颤。给予阿托品和肾上腺素后停止数据收集。数据表示为平均值+/- SD或中位数,分别为25%和75%。结果:通气或压缩变量或任何时间因素均无显着性差异,OTH和标准CPR的中位总手动操作时间分别为50%和52%。结论:OTH CPR是心肺复苏中的另一种方法。



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