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On the modernity of traditional contraception: time and the social context of fertility


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Family planning research and policy have emphasized biomedical contraception as a matter of course. Indeed, a method transition--from low-technology, essentially behavioral forms of pregnancy avoidance to high-technology, biomedically efficient contraception--has become part of the fertility transition model, alongside the emergence of the calculus of conscious choice and the centrality of parity-specific control. In this way of thinking, "traditional" contraception should give way to "modern" family planning through processes of development, as the economic and social costs of effective birth control decline. So strong is this ideology that some program-oriented groups do not consider "traditional" methods to be contraception at all. The Alan Guttmacher Institute, for example, counts women using a "traditional" method among those "in need of contraception" (Alan Guttmacher Institute 1994: 6). This equation has taken hold despite the fact that the prototypical fertility transition, that of Europe, relied largely on the traditional methods of withdrawal and abstinence, alongside abortion (see, e.g., Fisher 2000; Santow 1995; Schneider and Schneider 1996). This article questions the common wisdom about the category "traditional" contraception.
机译:计划生育的研究和政策理所当然地强调了生物医学避孕。的确,从有意识的选择演算的出现和生育的中心化,从低技术水平,从本质上避免妊娠的行为形式到高科技,生物医学有效的避孕方法的转变已成为生育能力转变模型的一部分。奇偶校验控制。用这种思维方式,随着有效节育的经济和社会成本下降,“传统的”避孕方法应通过发展过程让给“现代的”计划生育。这种意识形态是如此强大,以至于一些面向程序的团体根本不认为“传统”方法是避孕方法。例如,艾伦·古特马赫研究所(Alan Guttmacher Institute 1994)将使用“传统”方法的妇女计入那些“需要避孕”的妇女中。尽管事实上典型的生育率转变(欧洲的)在很大程度上依赖于传统的戒断和禁欲以及堕胎方法(见例如Fisher 2000; Santow 1995; Schneider and Schneider 1996)。本文质疑有关“传统”避孕类别的常识。



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