
On the distribution of weighted extremal points on a surface in R-d, d >= 3

机译:关于R-d中曲面上加权极点的分布,d> = 3

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Consider the unit measure mu (Fn) associating the mass 1 with n points on a smooth surface in R-d, d greater than or equal to3, minimizing discrete energy under the influence of an external field f. We call such points weighted extremal points. How well do the mu (Fn) approximate the f-weighted equilibrium distribution mu (f) of the surface? We answer this question by presenting sharp estimates for the difference of the potentials of mu (Fn) and mu (f), for the discrete energy of mu (Fn) and for the discrepancy sup mu (Fn)(B)-mu (f)(B) , where the supremum is taken over a reasonable class of test sets B. In the unweighted case f=0, extremal points reduce to d-dimensional Fekete points, and, up to a logarithmic term, the presented discrepancy estimate solves a conjecture of J. Korevaar [13]. [References: 20]
机译:考虑将质量1 / n与R-d中光滑表面上的n个点相关联的单位度量mu(Fn),d d等于或大于3,从而在外场f的影响下将离散能量最小化。我们称这些点为加权极值点。 mu(Fn)近似于表面的f加权平衡分布mu(f)的程度如何?我们通过对mu(Fn)和mu(f)的势差,mu(Fn)的离散能量和差异sup mu(Fn)(B)-mu(f )(B),其中最高值接管合理的测试集B。在未加权的情况下,f = 0,极值点减少为d维Fekete点,并且直到对数项为止,给出的差异估计值都可以解决J. Korevaar的猜想[13]。 [参考:20]



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