
Holomorphic functions and the heat kernel measure on an infinite dimensional complex orthogonal group


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The heat kernel measure mu(t) is constructed on an infinite dimensional complex group using a diffusion in a Hilbert space. Then it is proved that holomorphic polynomials on the group are square integrable with respect to the heat kernel measure. The closure of these polynomials, H L-2(SOH S, mu(t)), is one of two spaces of holomorphic functions we consider. The second space, H L-2(SO(infinity)), consists of functions which are holomorphic on an analog of the Cameron-Martin subspace for the group. It is proved that there is an isometry from the first space to the second one. The main theorem is that an infinite dimensional nonlinear analog of the Taylor expansion defines an isometry from H L-2(SO(infinity)) into the Hilbert space associated with a Lie algebra of the infinite dimensional group. This is an extension to infinite dimensions of an isometry of B. Driver and L. Gross for complex Lie groups. All the results of this paper are formulated for one concrete group, the Hilbert-Schmidt complex orthogonal group, though our methods can be applied in more general situations. [References: 29]
机译:使用希尔伯特空间中的扩散,在无限维复数组上构造热核测度mu(t)。然后证明了关于热核测度,该群上的全纯多项式是平方可积的。这些多项式H L-2(SOH S,mu(t))的闭合是我们考虑的全纯函数的两个空间之一。第二个空间H L-2(SO(infinity))由该组的Cameron-Martin子空间的类似物上的全纯函数组成。证明了从第一个空间到第二个空间都有一个等轴测图。主要定理是泰勒展开式的无穷大非线性模拟定义了从H L-2(SO(无穷大))到与无穷维群的李代数相关联的希尔伯特空间的等距线。这是对复杂李群的B.Driver和L.Gross等距尺寸的无限扩展。本文的所有结果都针对一个具体的组,即希尔伯特-施密特复正交组,尽管我们的方法可以应用于更一般的情况。 [参考:29]



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