首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Senses >Methyl Salicylate, Identified as Primary Odorant of a Specific Receptor Neuron Type, Inhibits Oviposition by the Moth Mamestra Brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)

Methyl Salicylate, Identified as Primary Odorant of a Specific Receptor Neuron Type, Inhibits Oviposition by the Moth Mamestra Brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)


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The cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae L. (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae), is a polyphagous species that is often choosing plants of Brassica as hosts for oviposition. In the search for biologically relevant odorants used by these moths, gas chromatography linked to electrophysiological recordings from single receptor neurons (RNs) has been employed, resulting in classification of distinct types of neurons. This study presents specific olfactory RNs responding to methyl salicylate (MeS) as primary odorant and showing a weak response to methyl benzoate, the 2 aromatic compounds occurring together in several plant species. In 2 cases, the neuron was colocated with another RN type responding to 6 green leaf volatiles: 1-hexanol, (3Z)-hexen-1-ol, (2E)-hexen-1-ol, (3Z)-hexenyl acetate, (2Z)-hexen-1 -ol, and an unidentified compound. Whereas the specific RNs detected the minor amounts of MeS in some plants, the compound was not found by gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry in intact plants, but it was found after herbivore attack. The behavioral effect of MeS was studied in outdoor test arenas with Brassica napus and artificial plants. These experiments indicated that mated M. brassicae females avoid plants with dispensers emitting MeS. As it is induced by caterpillar feeding, this compound may mediate a message to mated M. brassicae females that the plant is already occupied.
机译:甘蓝蛾(Mamestra brasicaica L.(鳞翅目,夜蛾科))是一种多食性物种,通常选择芸苔属植物作为产卵的宿主。在寻找这些飞蛾使用的与生物有关的增香剂中,已采用与单受体神经元(RNs)的电生理记录相关的气相色谱法,对不同类型的神经元进行了分类。这项研究提出了对水杨酸甲酯(MeS)作为主要气味的特殊嗅觉RNs,对苯甲酸甲酯的响应较弱,这两种芳香化合物在几种植物中同时出现。在2例病例中,神经元与另一种RN类型共存,对6种绿叶挥发物有响应:1-己醇,(3Z)-己烯-1-醇,(2E)-己烯-1-醇,(3Z)-己烯基乙酸酯, (2Z)-己烯-1-醇和一种未知化合物。尽管特定的RNs在某些植物中检测到了少量的M​​eS,但在完整植物中通过与质谱联用的气相色谱法未发现该化合物,但在草食动物攻击后才发现了该化合物。在甘蓝型油菜和人造植物的室外试验场中研究了MeS的行为效应。这些实验表明,交配的芸苔分枝母雌性避开带有散发MeS的分配器的植物。由于它是由毛毛虫进食诱导的,因此该化合物可能会传达信息给已交配的芸苔分枝雌性植物。



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