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Polypropylene:United States


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US ABS supply and demand were stabilizing this week, with suppliers heard to be cutting production rates back slightly ahead of an expected seasonal slowdown. “We were somewhere over 90% capacity [industry wide] during the summer,” one manufacturer said this week. “We’ve shifted lower, though. We always have some seasonality — and people start ramping down as we get toward the end of the year.” Now, rates are closer to 87% industry-wide, the source said. There also was some feedstock relief expected in the coming week as butadiene contracts were expected to settle two cents lower at 92 cents/lb. It’s a relatively small drop in price, but is significant because it reflects loosening of supplies in the butadiene market, a source said. A lack of butadiene was a problem for some ABS producers, and resulted in tightening ABS supplies. The cost savings from butadiene, though, was offset by climbing styrene prices.
机译:本周美国ABS供求稳定,听说供应商在预期季节性放缓之前将减产。 “夏季,我们的产能超过了整个行业的90%,”一位制造商本周表示。 “不过,我们已经调低了。我们总是有一些季节性因素-随着年底的临近,人们开始逐渐减少。”消息人士称,现在,整个行业的税率已接近87%。由于丁二烯合约料将下跌2美分,至92美分/磅,预计下周还将有一些原料释放。一位消息人士称,这是一个相对较小的价格下跌,但意义重大,因为这反映了丁二烯市场的供应减少。丁二烯的缺乏是一些ABS生产商的问题,导致ABS供应趋紧。但是,丁二烯节省的成本被苯乙烯价格上涨所抵消。



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