首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >The Glycymeris query along the coast and shallow shelf of Israel, southeast Mediterranean

The Glycymeris query along the coast and shallow shelf of Israel, southeast Mediterranean


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High concentrations of empty valves of the genus Glycymeris are found along the Israeli coast, both at the water line and in adjacent archeological sites. In contrast with the abundance of the empty shells, live specimens are rare. This discrepancy raises the questions of when and where did Glycymeris live on the Israeli shelf and why and when did they disappear. In this study, concentrations of empty shells from contemporary depositional environments were sampled at 13 sites along the waterline and 91 sites on the Israeli inner shelf between 3 and 30 m water depth. In addition, 12 coastal archeological sites were sampled so as to determine the distribution of bivalves in the last few thousands years, and a random sample was checked for taphonomic characteristics. Six valves of Glycymeris insubrica were radiocarbon dated. Glycymeris shells comprise 89% to 100% of the total dead mollusks shells found south of Haifa with G. insubrica comprising up to 100% of the entire Glycymeris assemblage. In archeological sites, G. insubrica is also abundant. G. insubrica, an opportunist species, appeared in large numbers 5000-5500 years ago and almost ceased to exist 1500-1000 years ago.
机译:在以色列沿岸的输水管线和邻近的考古现场都发现了高浓度的甘草属空阀。与大量空壳相反,活体标本很少见。这种差异引发了一个问题,即甘草糖虫何时何地生活在以色列的架子上,以及为什么以及何时消失。在这项研究中,在水深3至30 m的水线沿线的13个地点和以色列内陆架的91个地点对当代沉积环境中空壳的浓度进行了采样。此外,还对12个沿海考古现场进行了采样,以确定最近几千年中双壳类动物的分布,并从随机样本中检查了其形态学特征。六个甘草甘草的瓣膜都标有放射性碳。甘草硬壳占海法以南发现的死软体动物贝壳总数的89%至100%,而银杏假单胞菌则占整个甘草组成的100%。在考古遗址中,G。insubrica也很丰富。 G. insubrica是一种机会主义物种,在5000-5500年前大量出现,在1500-1000年前几乎不复存在。



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