首页> 外文期刊>Planta: An International Journal of Plant Biology >Structure and enzyme expression in photosynthetic organs of the atypical C4 grass Arundinella hirta

Structure and enzyme expression in photosynthetic organs of the atypical C4 grass Arundinella hirta


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In its leaf blade, Arundinella hirta has unusual Kranz cells that lie distant from the veins (distinctive cells; DCs), in addition to the usual Kranz units composed of concentric layers of mesophyll cells (MCs) and bundle sheath cells (BSCs; usual Kranz cells) surrounding the veins. We examined whether chlorophyllous organs other than leaf blades--namely, the leaf sheath, stem, scale leaf, and constituents of the spike--also have this unique anatomy and the C4 pattern of expression of photosynthetic enzymes. All the organs developed DCs to varying degrees, as well as BSCs. The stem, rachilla, and pedicel had C4-type anatomy with frequent occurrence of DCs, as in the leaf blade. The leaf sheath, glume, and scale leaf had a modified C4 anatomy with MCs more than two cells distant from the Kranz cells; DCs were relatively rare. An immunocytochemical study of C3 and C4 enzymes revealed that all the organs exhibited essentially the same C4 pattern of expression as in the leaf blade. In the scale leaf, however, intense expression of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) occurred in the MCs as well as in the BSCs and DCs. In the leaf sheath, the distant MCs also expressed Rubisco. In Arundinella hirta, it seems that the ratio of MC to Kranz cell volumes, and the distance from the Kranz cells, but not from the veins, affects the cellular expression of photosynthetic enzymes. We suggest that the main role of DCs is to keep a constant quantitative balance between the MCs and Kranz cells, which is a prerequisite for effective C4 pathway operation.
机译:在其叶片中,平菇Arundinella hirta具有不常见的,远离静脉的Kranz细胞(独特的细胞; DC),以及由同心的叶肉细胞(MC)和束状鞘细胞(BSC;普通的Kranz)组成的常见Kranz单位。细胞)围绕静脉。我们检查了除叶片以外的叶绿素器官-即叶鞘,茎,鳞叶和穗的成分-是否也具有这种独特的解剖结构和光合酶表达的C4模式。所有器官以及BSC均在不同程度上发展为DC。茎,罗奇勒和花梗具有C4型解剖结构,像叶片一样经常出现DC。叶鞘,颖花和鳞片叶具有改良的C4解剖结构,其MC距Kranz细胞的距离超过两个。 DC相对较少。对C3和C4酶的免疫细胞化学研究表明,所有器官均表现出与叶片中相同的C4表达模式。然而,在鳞片叶中,MC,BSC和DC中都强烈表达了核糖-1,5-双磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶(Rubisco)。在叶鞘中,远处的MC也表达了Rubisco。在平纹Arundinella hirta中,看来MC与Kranz细胞体积的比率以及与Kranz细胞(而不是距静脉)的距离会影响光合酶的细胞表达。我们建议DC的主要作用是保持MC和Kranz细胞之间恒定的定量平衡,这是有效C4途径操作的前提。



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