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Species Diversity of True Bugs on Apples in Terms of Plant Protection


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Monitoring of species spectrum of true bugs (Heteroptera) on apple trees without pest management was conducted in 2010-2011. Two sites were selected - an abandoned orchard and a road alley near the village of Velke Bilovice (Breclav district, Czech Republic). The capture of true bugs with a fogger device (Pulsfog) on five selected trees in each site was performed. The effective substance deltamethrin at concentration of 0.0025 g/l was applied to the tree crowns. Three collections (28/4, 20/5, and 9/7) in 2010 and two (11/5 and 23/6) in 2011 were done. Out of 55 detected species of true bugs, 43 species occurred in the alley and 29 in the orchard. Thirty-two species were predatory or partly predatory (58.18%), 22 species were phytophagous (40%), and one mycetophagous (1.82%).
机译:在2010-2011年对没有虫害管理的苹果树上的真虫(异翅目)的物种谱进行了监测。选择了两个地点-一个废弃的果园和一个位于Velke Bilovice村(捷克共和国布雷克拉夫区)附近的小路。使用烟雾器(Pulsfog)在每个站点的五棵选定树上捕获了真实的错误。将浓度为0.0025 g / l的有效物质溴氰菊酯施用于树冠。 2010年完成了三个收集(28 / 4、20 / 5和9/7),2011年完成了两个收集(11/5和23/6)。在检测到的55种真虫中,有43种出现在胡同中,而29种发生在果园中。捕食或部分捕食的有32种(58.18%),食草的有22种(40%),食肉的有1种(1.82%)。



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