首页> 外文期刊>Plant physiology >HSPRO controls early Nicotiana attenuata seedling growth during interaction with the fungus Piriformospora indica

HSPRO controls early Nicotiana attenuata seedling growth during interaction with the fungus Piriformospora indica

机译:HSPRO控制与真菌Piriformospora indica相互作用期间的早期烟草减毒苗生长

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In a previous study aimed at identifying regulators of Nicotiana attenuata responses against chewing insects, a 26-nucleotide tag matching the HSPRO (ORTHOLOG OF SUGAR BEET Hs1 pro-1) gene was found to be strongly induced after simulated herbivory (Gilardoni et al., 2010). Here we characterized the function of HSPRO during biotic interactions in transgenic N. attenuata plants silenced in its expression (ir-hspro). In wild-type plants, HSPRO expression was not only induced during simulated herbivory but also when leaves were inoculated with Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato DC3000 and roots with the growth-promoting fungus Piriformospora indica. Reduced HSPRO expression did not affect the regulation of direct defenses against Manduca sexta herbivory or P. syringae pv tomato DC3000 infection rates. However, reduced HSPRO expression positively influenced early seedling growth during interaction with P. indica; fungus-colonized ir-hspro seedlings increased their fresh biomass by 30% compared with the wild type. Grafting experiments demonstrated that reduced HSPRO expression in roots was sufficient to induce differential growth promotion in both roots and shoots. This effect was accompanied by changes in the expression of 417 genes in colonized roots, most of which were metabolic genes. The lack of major differences in the metabolic profiles of irhspro and wild-type colonized roots (as analyzed by liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry) suggested that accelerated metabolic rates were involved. We conclude that HSPRO participates in a whole-plant change in growth physiology when seedlings interact with P. indica.
机译:在先前旨在鉴定烟草对咀嚼昆虫反应的调节剂的研究中,发现在模拟食草后强烈诱导了与HSPRO(甜菜Ortholog糖Hs1 pro-1)基因匹配的26个核苷酸的标签(Gilardoni等, 2010)。在这里,我们表征了在其表达沉默(ir-hspro)的转基因猪笼草中生物相互作用期间HSPRO的功能。在野生型植物中,HSPRO表达不仅在模拟食草期间被诱导,而且在用丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonas syringae)pv番茄DC3000和根系生长促进真菌印度梨(Piriformospora indica)接种叶子时也被诱导。降低的HSPRO表达并不影响对曼杜卡六性食草动物或丁香假单胞菌pv番茄DC3000感染率的直接防御。然而,降低的HSPRO表达积极地影响了与印度对虾互动期间的幼苗早期生长。与野生型相比,真菌定植的ir-hspro幼苗的新鲜生物量增加了30%。嫁接实验表明,降低根中HSPRO的表达足以诱导根和枝条的差异性生长。这种作用伴随着定殖根中417个基因表达的变化,其中大多数是代谢基因。 irhspro和野生型定植根的代谢谱缺乏主要差异(通过液相色谱飞行时间质谱分析)表明加速的代谢速率参与其中。我们得出结论,当幼苗与印度对虾互动时,HSPRO参与了整个植物的生长生理变化。



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