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To resprout or not to resprout? Modeling population dynamics of a root-sprouting monocarpic plant under various disturbance regimes


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Monocarpic plants are favored in conditions of high mortality of reproductive individuals, whereas situations with low juvenile survival give an advantage to polycarpic perennials. However, certain plant species combine both strategies, showing high plasticity and life-history variation in recurrently disturbed habitats. Life-history variation caused by resprouting from roots after injury has been reported in many weedy and invasive species, but the long-term effects of resprouting on population dynamics are not known. In this study, we asked how different disturbance scenarios affect long-term fitness of plants with varied capacities for root-sprouting. We used projection matrix analysis to simulate growth of populations of the annual herb Rorippa palustris having factorial combinations of root-sprouting intensities, disturbance timings (intra-annual), and frequencies (inter-annual). The contributions of these factors to population growth variation were enumerated using variance decomposition. Population growth was affected by all examined parameters. Disturbance frequency negatively affected population growth rate, but its effect was modulated by disturbance timing. Summer disturbance decreased population growth rate dramatically, whereas winter disturbance had no effect. Resprouting from roots was important for plant overwintering. In pre-reproductive plants, disturbance frequency and root-sprouting intensity strongly interacted in the spring, such that the negative effect of frequent disturbance was overcome by resprouting. Our results imply that, in this species, conditions of unpredictable, severe disturbance, would select for high phenotypic plasticity in life histories, whereas only regular spring disturbance would favor resprouting.
机译:单果类植物在繁殖个体死亡率高的条件下受到青睐,而幼体存活率低的情况使多年生多果类植物受益。但是,某些植物物种结合了这两种策略,在经常受到干扰的栖息地中表现出较高的可塑性和生活史变异。在许多杂草和入侵物种中,已经报道了由于受伤后从根部发芽而引起的生活史变异,但是,重新发芽对种群动态的长期影响尚不清楚。在这项研究中,我们询问了不同的干扰情景如何影响具有不同根萌芽能力的植物的长期适应性。我们使用投影矩阵分析来模拟一年生草本植物Rorippa palustris种群的增长,该种群具有根萌芽强度,干扰时机(年度内)和频率(年度间)的因子组合。使用方差分解来列举这些因素对人口增长变异的贡献。人口增长受到所有检查参数的影响。干扰频率对人口增长率产生负面影响,但其影响受到干扰时间的影响。夏季干扰显着降低了人口增长率,而冬季干扰则没有影响。从根部发芽对于植物越冬很重要。在繁殖前植物中,春季的干扰频率和根萌芽强度强烈相互作用,从而通过再萌芽克服了频繁干扰的负面影响。我们的结果表明,在该物种中,不可预测的严重干扰条件会在生活史中选择高表型可塑性,而只有定期的春季干扰会有利于重生。



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