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Evaluation of dormant sprays and fungicide programs for control of black rot and Phomopsis in juice grapes, 2014.


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The experiment was conducted in a mature 'Niagara' vineyard at the Trevor Nichols Research Center in Fennville, MI. Vines were spaced at 6 x 10 ft and were cordon trained and hand pruned. Treatments were applied to 7-vine plots and were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design. Sprays were applied using a research sprayer equipped with six 5-gal tanks, a 12-volt 3.8-gpm high-flow electric pump set at 55 psi, and an XR TeeJet 8002VS nozzle on a 5-ft spray boom. Spray volume was 75 gpa. Spray dates and approximate phenological stages were as follows: 30 Apr (dormant), 7 May, 16 June (10 -16 in. shoot), 25 June (immediate prebloom and bloom), 10 Jul (1st post-bloom, pre-bunch closure), 22 Jul (2nd post-bloom, bunch closure), 5 Aug (Quintec application to control powdery mildew), 14 Aug (3rd post-bloom), and 20 Aug (4th post-bloom). Rainfall between spray dates was 0.11, 3.62, 1.14, 1.75, 0.55, 0.55, 1.13 and 2.08 in., respectively. Diseases were visually rated on 25 randomly selected leaves and clusters from the center vines in each plot. Black rot on leaves and clusters was rated on 7 Aug. Phomopsis was rated on clusters (rachis and fruit) on 6 Sep. Incidence was calculated as % leaves or clusters with disease, and severity was calculated as % area symptomatic on diseased plant parts only. Overall severity was calculated as (incidence x severity)/100. On 2 Sep, twenty five individual canes per plot were rated for Phomopsis cane and leaf spot by starting at the first node from thecordon and extending along 3 feet of growth. Phomopsis was rated on these canes using a 1 to 5 scale where 1 = 0 - 20%, 2 = 21- 41%, 3 = 42-60%, 4 = 61-80% and 5 = 81-100% of internodes covered with lesions. Vines were monitored for phytotoxicity throughout the season.
机译:该实验是在密歇根州费恩维尔的Trevor Nichols研究中心的成熟“ Niagara”葡萄园中进行的。藤蔓的间距为6 x 10英尺,并经过警戒线训练和手工修剪。将处理应用于7个葡萄藤地块,并在随机完整区组设计中重复四次。使用配有6个5加仑油箱,12伏3.8加仑高流量电动泵(设定为55 psi)和XR TeeJet 8002VS喷嘴的5英尺喷杆上的研究喷雾器进行喷雾。喷雾量为75gpa。喷洒日期和大致的物候阶段如下:4月30日(休眠),5月7日,6月16日(拍摄10 -16英寸),6月25日(开花前和开花中期),7月10日(开花后第1次,开花前)封闭),7月22日(第二次开花后关闭),8月5日(Quintec申请控制白粉病),8月14日(第三次开花后)和8月20日(第四次开花后)。喷雾日期之间的降雨量分别为0.11、3.62、1.14、1.75、0.55、0.55、1.13和2.08英寸。在每个地块的中心藤蔓上随机选择的25个叶子和簇上,通过视觉对疾病进行评级。 9月6日对叶片和团簇上的黑腐病定级。9月6日对叶片(团簇和果实)上的黑霉病定级。发病率以患病的叶片或团簇的百分数计算,严重程度仅按患病部位的有症状面积百分数计算。 。总体严重性计算为(发生率x严重性)/ 100。 9月2日,从菜地的第一个节点开始并沿着3英尺长的生长点,对每块地上的25个单独的藤茎进行了Phophpsis藤茎和叶斑的评定。用1到5的比例对这些手杖的菌丝进行评级,其中1 = 0-20%,2 = 21-41%,3 = 42-60%,4 = 61-80%和5 = 81-100%有病变。整个季节都对葡萄藤进行植物毒性监测。



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