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Evaluation of resistance inducers and cover crops for management of Fusarium wilt in seedless watermelon, 2008


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The experiment was established in a field of Norfolk “A” loamy sand soil at the University of Maryland’s Lower Eastern Shore Research and Education Center, Salisbury. This field has a history of severe losses to Fusarium wilt. The experiment was conducted as a split-plot design with four replications. Main plots consisted of three winter cover crop treatments (hybrid common vetch cv. ‘Cahaba White’, rye, and rye plus the fumigant K-pam); subplots consisted of 1) Actigard (acibenzolar-Smethyl), 2) CS20 (nonpathogenic F. oxysporum), 3) both Actigard and CS20, and 4) nontreated control. Vetch (45 lb/A) andrye (140 lb/A) were seeded on 18 Oct 07. On 22 and 28 May 08, vetch and rye cover crops were disked two times and incorporated into soil to a depth of 6 to 8 in. with a tractor-mounted rototiller. Before bedding, fertilizer at 750 lb/A of 16-0-18 (N-P-K) plus S (5%) and B (0.2%) was applied to rye plots; 369 lb/A of 16-0-18 plus S (5%) and B (0.2%) and 381 lb/A of 0-0-18 plus S (5%) and B (0.2%) were applied to vetch plots. K-pam (metam potassium) was injected into the soil to adepth of 7.9 in. and covered immediately with black polyethylene mulch. A single drip irrigation tube was placed under black polyethylene mulch in the center of each plot. Plots were 40 ft long and 3 ft wide and separated on 6-ft centers. The triploid(seedless) watermelon cv. ‘Sugar Heart’, susceptible to Fusarium wilt, was seeded in a greenhouse on 2 May. At the time of seeding and 1 week prior to transplanting, 3 ml of a conidial suspension of CS20 (2 x 106 microconidia/ml) was added intoeach plug cell (72 cells per tray). Inoculum of CS20 was prepared by harvesting microconidia from 10-day-old cultures grown in 1% soybean hull meal medium on a rotary shaker (150 rpm) at room temperature. Watermelon seedlings weretransplanted 36 in. apart within rows on 30 May. The pollenizer ‘SP4’, highly resistant to Fusarium wilt, was intertransplanted between every other seedless watermelon plant within each row. For pre-emergence weed control, Curbit 3E (3pt/A) and Sinbar WP (3 oz/A) were applied over beds prior to transplanting. Actigard 38WG was applied at 0.33, 0.5, 0.5 and 0.75 oz/A at 1, 3, 5 and 7 weeks after transplanting, respectively, using a tractor-mounted sprayer that delivered 45 gpa at 43psi. The boom was equipped with six D4-45 hollow cone nozzles. Foliar diseases were managed with Bravo Weather Stik 720SC (2 pt/A) and Pristine 38WG (15 oz/A) each applied on alternate weeks beginning 29 Jun until 1 week before harvest.The percent of plants showing symptoms of Fusarium wilt was assessed on 24 Jun and 22 Jul. Total fruit yield was weighed on 13 Aug, and sugar content in three fruit from each plot was determined with a hand-held refractometer.
机译:该实验是在马里兰大学索尔兹伯里市下东岸研究与教育中心的诺福克“ A”型壤质沙土田里建立的。该领域有严重损失镰刀菌枯萎病的历史。实验是采用四次重复的拆分图设计进行的。主要地块由三种冬季覆盖作物处理组成(杂交普通common菜品种“ Cahaba White”,黑麦和黑麦加上熏蒸剂K-pam);子图由1)Actigard(苯并噻唑-甲基),2)CS20(非致病性尖孢镰刀菌),3)Actigard和CS20以及4)未经处理的对照组成。 2007年10月18日播种了紫etch(45 lb / A)和黑麦(140 lb / A)。在08年5月22日至28日,紫etch和黑麦覆盖作物播种了两次,并掺入了6至8英寸的土壤中。带有手扶机动犁耕机。在铺垫前,将施肥量为750 lb / A的16-0-18(N-P-K)加S(5%)和B(0.2%)施用到黑麦田;将16-0-18加上S(5%)和B(0.2%)的369 lb / A和0-0-18加上S(5%)和B(0.2%)的381 lb / A的应用到绘图区。将K-pam(偏钾)注入土壤中,深度为7.9英寸,并立即用黑色聚乙烯覆盖物覆盖。将单个滴灌管置于每个样地中心的黑色聚乙烯覆盖物下方。地块长40英尺,宽3英尺,在6英尺中心分开。三倍体(无籽)西瓜简历。 5月2日,温室中播种了易患镰刀菌枯萎病的“糖心”。在播种时和移植前1周,将3 ml CS20的分生孢子悬浮液(2 x 106个微分生孢子/ ml)添加到每个栓塞细胞(每个托盘72个细胞)中。 CS20接种物是通过在室温下在旋转振荡器(150 rpm)上从生长在1%大豆壳粉培养基中的10天龄培养物中收获微分生孢子来制备的。 5月30日,将西瓜幼苗逐行移植36英寸。高度抗镰刀菌枯萎的花粉“ SP4”被移植到每行其他无籽西瓜植株之间。对于出苗前的杂草控制,在移植前在床上铺上Curbit 3E(3pt / A)和Sinbar WP(3 oz / A)。 Actigard 38WG分别在移植后的1、3、5和7周以0.33、0.5、0.5和0.75 oz / A的速度施用,使用拖拉机安装的喷雾器以43psi的压力输送45 gpa。动臂装有六个D4-45空心锥形喷嘴。叶面病用Bravo Weather Stik 720SC(2 pt / A)和Pristine 38WG(15 oz / A)在收获前的6月29日至收获前1周的隔周分别施药,以评估表现出枯萎病症状的植物百分比。 6月24日和7月22日。8月13日称重水果总产量,并用手持折射仪测定每个地块中三个水果的糖含量。



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