首页> 外文期刊>Plant Disease Research >Effect of different dates of sowing on incidence of root rot wilt complex of chickpea

Effect of different dates of sowing on incidence of root rot wilt complex of chickpea


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Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important pulse crop grown in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of the world. India ranks first in terms of chickpea production 3nd consumption in the world. About 65 per cent of the global area with 68 per cent of global production is contributed by India. More than 50 pathogens have been reported to infect chickpea crop but only few cause economically important diseases. Wilt and root rot complex caused by several soil borne pathogens is the major yieldreducing malady. Among them, Fusarium wilt {Fusarium oxysponim f. sp. ciceri (Padwick) Snyd. & Hans), black root rot {Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc.), root rot {Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn) and dry root rot {Sclerotium rolfsii) are of considerable importance(Nene et al., 1981). The problem of root rot wilt complex is widespread in several countries like India, Iran, Pakistan, Nepal, Burma, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Syria and USA (Nene et ai, 1989; Jalali and Chand, 1992). It is one of the important limiting factors of chickpea production in India. Early infection of the wilt complex pathogens resulted in death of plant, i.e. in total yield loss (Haware and Nene, 1980). In India, it has been reported from all the chickpea growing states and causes an annual loss of 10 per cent (Singh and Dahiya, 1973). The disease can affect the crop at any stage of growth. Early wilting causes 77- 94 per cent losses while late wilting causes 24- 65 per cent loss (Haware and Nene, 1980). The grain losses due to chickpea root rot wilt complex has been estimated to be around 10 per cent which amounts to approximately 520 thousand tonnes annually.
机译:鹰嘴豆(Cicer arietinum L.)是生长在世界热带,亚热带和温带地区的重要豆类作物。在鹰嘴豆产量方面,印度排名世界第三。印度约占全球面积的65%,占全球产量的68%。据报道,有50多种病原体感染鹰嘴豆作物,但只有极少数会引起经济上重要的疾病。由几种土壤传播的病原体引起的枯萎和根腐病是减少产量的主要病害。其中,枯萎枯萎病{Fusarium oxysponim f。 sp。西塞里(帕德威克)斯内德。 &Hans),黑根腐烂(Fusarium solani(Mart。)Sacc。),根腐烂(Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)和干根腐烂(Sclerotium rolfsii)都具有相当重要的意义(Nene et al。,1981)。根腐病复杂的问题在印度,伊朗,巴基斯坦,尼泊尔,缅甸,西班牙,墨西哥,秘鲁,叙利亚和美国等几个国家普遍存在(Nene等,1989; Jalali和Chand,1992)。它是印度鹰嘴豆生产的重要限制因素之一。枯萎复合病原体的早期感染导致植物死亡,即总产量损失(Haware and Nene,1980)。在印度,所有鹰嘴豆生长州都有报告,每年损失10%(Singh和Dahiya,1973)。该病可以在生长的任何阶段影响农作物。早萎造成77-94%的损失,而晚萎造成24-65%的损失(Haware and Nene,1980)。据估计,由于鹰嘴豆根腐病造成的谷物损失约为10%,即每年约52万吨。



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