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State of the Industry


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As 2006 winds clown, it is interesting to assess the roller-coaster ride that the industry has been on this year. While the year started very strong, and production and profits soared, the end of the summer brought a bit of a slowdown, especially in residential construction markets -and predictions of economic stability, but little growth. Nowhere is this more evident than in The Pit & Quarry Index, which since 2004 has gauged the economic health of the industry. The index began the year hovering above the 200 mark before rising to 233 in August - its highest showing ever. September was a different story, however, as the index plummeted to the 200 level, before spiking up again the following month. National stone-production statistics are always a key market indicator. Second-quarter numbers - the most current available at press time - took a slight dip, although six-month numbers still look Strong.
机译:随着2006年的风起云涌,有趣的是评估该行业今年以来的过山车之旅。尽管今年开局非常强劲,生产和利润猛增,但夏末带来了一些放缓,尤其是在住宅建筑市场中,而且预测经济稳定,但增长缓慢。自2004年以来对行业经济状况进行衡量的The Pit&Quarry Index,这一点最为明显。年初以来,该指数徘徊在200点上方,然后在8月份上升至233,创下历史最高水平。然而,9月份的情况有所不同,因为该指数暴跌至200水平,然后在下个月再次飙升。国家石材产量统计数字始终是关键的市场指标。第二季度的数字(截至发稿时最新数据)略有下降,尽管六个月的数字仍然强劲。



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