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Implications of recent observational discoveries for the nature and origin of gamma-ray bursts [Review]


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The discoveries that GRBs have X-ray, optical and radio afterglows have connected the study of GRBs to the rest of astronomy, and revolutionized the field. In this review, I discuss the implications that the observation of these afterglows have for burst energies and luminosities, and for models of the bursts and their afterglows. I describe recent evidence linking the long, softer, smoother GRBs detected by BeppoSAX and core collapse supernovae. Finally, I summarize recent work showing that, if these GRBs are due to the collapse of massive stars, they may provide a powerful probe of the very high redshift universe. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 88]
机译:GRB具有X射线,光学和射电余辉的发现使GRB的研究与其他天文学联系在一起,并彻底改变了这一领域。在这篇综述中,我讨论了这些余辉的观测对于爆发能量和光度以及爆发及其余辉模型的影响。我描述了最近的证据,这些证据将BeppoSAX和核心坍塌超新星探测到的更长,更柔和,更平滑的GRB联系起来。最后,我总结了最近的工作,这些工作表明,如果这些GRB是由于大质量恒星的坍塌而引起的,它们可能会为非常高的红移宇宙提供有力的探测。 (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:88]



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