首页> 外文期刊>Physics Reports: A Review Section of Physics Letters (Section C) >Local BRST cohomology in gauge theories [Review]

Local BRST cohomology in gauge theories [Review]




The general solution of the anomaly consistency condition (Wess-Zumino equation) has been found recently for Yang-Mills gauge theory. The general form of the counterterms arising in the renormalization of gauge-invariant operators (Kluberg-Stern and Zuber conjecture) and in gauge theories of the Yang-Mills type with non-power counting renormalizable couplings has also been worked out in any number of space-time dimensions. This Physics Report is devoted to reviewing in a self-contained manner these results and their proofs. This involves computing cohomology groups of the differential introduced by Becchi, Rouet, Stora and Tyutin, with the sources of the BRST variations of the fields ("antifields") included in the problem. Applications of this computation to other physical questions (classical deformations of the action, conservation laws) are also considered. The general algebraic techniques developed in the Report can be applied to other gauge theories, for which relevant references are given. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. [References: 230]
机译:最近,对于Yang-Mills规范理论,已经找到了异常一致性条件的一般解(Wess-Zumino方程)。规范不变算子的重新规范化(Kluberg-Stern和Zuber猜想)以及使用非幂计数可规范化耦合的Yang-Mills型规范理论中产生的对立项的一般形式也已在任意数量的空间中得到了解决。时间维度。本物理报告致力于以独立的方式审查这些结果及其证明。这涉及计算由Becchi,Rouet,Stora和Tyutin引入的差分的同调性组,问题中包括场(“反场”)的BRST变体。还应考虑将此计算应用于其他物理问题(动作的经典变形,守恒定律)。报告中开发的通用代数技术可以应用于其他规范理论,并给出了相关的参考文献。 (C)2000 Elsevier Science B.V.保留所有权利。 [参考:230]



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