首页> 外文期刊>Plant Biosystems >Comparison of forest stand structure and management of silver fir-European beech forests in the Central Apennines, Italy and in the Dinaric Mountains, Slovenia.

Comparison of forest stand structure and management of silver fir-European beech forests in the Central Apennines, Italy and in the Dinaric Mountains, Slovenia.


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In this study, silver fir - European beech forest types were examined in their structure and tree species composition. Two study areas, one in the Molise Region in Italy (Abeti Soprani) and one in the Dinaric Mountains in Slovenia (Leskova dolina), were compared in their dynamics and present structure. The aim of the study was to assess if a standardized field survey protocol can supply indicators related to forest structure and composition, and deadwood amount in two different Natura 2000 sites. The present structure and composition were evaluated on a 1-ha plot in each area. All live trees, standing and downed dead trees, snags, stumps, and lying coarse woody debris were censed. For each individual tree, the position within the plot, the species, diameter at breast height, height or length, crown structure and height, and decay level (only for deadwood) were recorded. The forest structure was influenced by past management, modifying the tree density, the amount of deadwood and the growth trends. The spatial distribution of trees and their vertical stratification show pluristratified stands with a mainly horizontal random pattern. The assessment of forest parameters in large plots could be an opportunity to evaluate the best choices for a nature-based silvicultural approach.
机译:在这项研究中,研究了冷杉-欧洲山毛榉森林类型的结构和树种组成。比较了两个研究区域的动力学和当前结构,其中一个研究区域位于意大利的莫利塞地区(Abeti Soprani),另一个位于斯洛文尼亚的迪纳里克山脉(Leskova dolina)。这项研究的目的是评估标准化的野外调查协议是否可以提供与两个自然Natura 2000地点的森林结构和组成以及枯木量有关的指标。在每个区域的1公顷土地上评估了当前的结构和组成。所有的活树,站立和倒下的枯树,障碍物,树桩和躺在的粗木屑都被检查了。对于每棵单独的树,记录地块的位置,种类,胸高的直径,高度或长度,树冠结构和高度以及腐烂程度(仅适用于枯木)。森林结构受到过往管理的影响,改变了树木的密度,枯木的数量和生长趋势。树木的空间分布及其垂直分层显示出多层次的林分,主要具有水平的随机模式。在大片土地上对森林参数进行评估可能是评估基于自然的造林方法的最佳选择的机会。



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