首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >Effects of the previous shoot removal frequency on subsequent shoot regrowth in two Medicago sativa L. cultivars.

Effects of the previous shoot removal frequency on subsequent shoot regrowth in two Medicago sativa L. cultivars.


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In field trials in 1994 at Lusignan, France, M. sativa cv. Europe and Lodi were cut in spring at intervals of 30 or 45 days. Increasing the duration of the spring regrowth had a positive effect on subsequent summer regrowth. During the first 14 daysof summer regrowth, Lodi showed higher leaf area index and greater interception of photosynthetically active radiation than Europe. The level of taproot organic reserves (starch and N contents) was also affected cutting frequency (45 days > 30 days) andcultivar (Lodi > Europe). Lodi accumulated larger amounts of starch and N reserves which were subsequently mobilized to a greater extent in the first three weeks of regrowth and this contributed to its faster initial shoot growth rate. These results confirm the important role played by N and C taproot reserves in shoot growth rate in the first days following shoot removal. Results are discussed in relation to recent studies on the role of storage N compounds in regrowth, and the concepts of radiation use efficiency, nitrogen nutrition index and the decline in N content seen during the accumulation of biomass in M. sativa canopies.
机译:在1994年的法国Lusignan的田间试验中,M。sativa cv。欧洲和洛迪在春季每隔30或45天被切割一次。增加春季长势持续时间对随后的夏季长势产生积极影响。在夏季的头14天中,Lodi的叶面积指数和对光合有效辐射的拦截都比欧洲高。主根有机储量(淀粉和氮含量)的水平也受到切割频率(45天> 30天)和品种(罗迪>欧洲)的影响。 Lodi积累了大量的淀粉和N储备,随后在再生的前三周大量动员了这些,这有助于其初期芽生长更快。这些结果证实了氮和碳主根储备在去除枝条后的第一天对枝条生长速率起着重要作用。讨论了有关存储N化合物在再生中的作用以及辐射利用效率,氮营养指数和氮芥含量在生物量积累过程中氮含量下降的概念方面的最新研究。



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