首页> 外文期刊>Physics of life reviews >Complex cognitive functions underlie aesthetic emotions. Comment on 'From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: Towards a unified theory of musical emotions' by Patrik N. Juslin.

Complex cognitive functions underlie aesthetic emotions. Comment on 'From everyday emotions to aesthetic emotions: Towards a unified theory of musical emotions' by Patrik N. Juslin.

机译:复杂的认知功能是审美情感的基础。帕特里克·N·尤斯林(Patrik N. Juslin)评论“从日常情感到审美情感:建立统一的音乐情感理论”。

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In this valuable review, Juslin expands on his well-known catalogue of how music may cause emotion [1]. The power of the ideas stems in part from the many testable hypotheses that emerge, and from the thorough approach to theory arising from a consideration of relevant psychological and philosophical issues. In recent years, neuroscientific research has provided biological support for some of the ideas presented by Juslin, helping us better understand the mechanisms that underly musical emotions. In this brief commentary, we elaborate on Juslin’s proposed role of ‘musical expectancy’ and outline some of recent empirical studies that provide a neurobiological basis for how temporal predictions can lead to emotional responses.



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