首页> 外文期刊>Physiology & behavior >Autonomic, behavioral and neuroendocrine correlates of paternal behavior in male prairie voles

Autonomic, behavioral and neuroendocrine correlates of paternal behavior in male prairie voles


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Socially monogamous prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster) are biparental and alloparental. In the present study, we compared behavioral, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine parameters in male prairie voles with experience caring for pups (Fathers), versus reproductively inexperienced Virgin males. Father and Virgins showed generally similar responses to unrelated pups. However, in the Fathers studied prior to and during pup exposure, heart rate was lower and respiratory sinus arrhythmia tended to be higher than that in Virgins. Fathers also displayed comparatively lower levels of anxiety-related behaviors in an open field test. In Fathers, compared to Virgin males, we also found higher levels of oxytocin-immunoreactivity in the paraventricular hypothalamus and two brainstem regions involved in the autonomic regulation of the heart - the nucleus ambiguus and nucleus tractus solitarius. However, Fathers had less oxytocin in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Vasopressin did not differ significantly in these regions. Fathers also weighed less and had less subcutaneous fat and larger testes as a percentage of bodyweight. In conjunction with earlier findings in this species, the present study supports the hypothesis that oxytocin may be involved in the adaptation to fatherhood. These findings also support the hypothesis that males, with or without prior pup experience, may show simultaneous patterns of behavioral nurturance and autonomic states compatible with mobilization and vigilance.
机译:社会上一夫一妻制的草原田鼠(双田Micro(Microtus ochrogaster))是双亲的和同父母的。在本研究中,我们比较了具有照顾幼犬(父亲)经验的雄性大草原田鼠与没有生殖能力的处女雄性的行为,心血管和神经内分泌参数。父亲和处女对无关的幼崽表现出大致相似的反应。然而,在父亲接触幼犬之前和期间进行的研究中,心率较低,呼吸性窦性心律失常往往高于处女。父亲在公开测试中还表现出相对较低的焦虑相关行为水平。在父亲中,与处女的男性相比,我们还发现在室旁下丘脑和参与心脏自主调节的两个脑干区域中的催产素免疫反应水平较高-歧核和孤束核。然而,父亲在终末皮纹的床核中的催产素较少。加压素在这些区域没有显着差异。父亲的体重也减轻了,皮下脂肪减少了,睾丸重量也增加了。结合该物种的早期发现,本研究支持了催产素可能与父亲适应有关的假设。这些发现也支持这样的假设:无论有无幼犬经历,雄性都可能同时表现出行为养育和与动员和警惕相适应的自主神经状态。



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