首页> 外文期刊>Physical Review, A. Atomic, molecular, and optical physics >Ground-state properties of a one-dimensional system of hard-core bosons in a harmonic trap - art. no. 033601

Ground-state properties of a one-dimensional system of hard-core bosons in a harmonic trap - art. no. 033601

机译:谐波陷阱中一维硬核玻色子系统的基态特性-艺术没有。 033601

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The exact N-particle ground-state wave function for a one-dimensional condensate of hard-core bosons in a harmonic trap is employed to obtain accurate numerical results for the one-particle density matrix, occupation number distribution of the natural orbitals, and momentum distribution. Our results show that the occupation of the lowest orbital varies as N-0.59, in contrast to N-0.5 for a spatially uniform system, and N for a true Bose-Einstein condensate. [References: 25]
机译:利用谐波陷阱中一维硬核玻色子的一维凝聚态的精确N粒子基态波函数来获得有关一粒子密度矩阵,自然轨道的占有数分布和动量的准确数值结果分配。我们的结果表明,最低轨道的占有量变化为N-0.59,而空间均匀系统的N-0.5和真正的玻色-爱因斯坦冷凝物的N均相反。 [参考:25]



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