首页> 外文期刊>Phytotaxa >A new species of Youngia (Asteraceae, tribe Cichorieae) from Yunnan, China

A new species of Youngia (Asteraceae, tribe Cichorieae) from Yunnan, China


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Youngia gongshanensis, a new species of Youngia sect. "Mesomeris" from Yunnan province of China is described and illustrated based on evidence from morphology and molecular phylogeny. The new species is superficially very similar to Y. atripappa having a solitary and erect stem and more or less lyrately pinnatisect leaves, but can be distinguished by capitula with 5-6 (vs. 12-15) florets, corolla tube glabrous (vs. sparsely pubescent with short white spreading hairs), pappus white (vs. grayish), bracts ovate to elliptic, distinct large (vs. very small, subulate). Parsimony analyses based on DNA sequence data of the nuclear ribosomal ITS shows that the new species is sister to Y. cineripappa with strong support, but the new species differs from the latter in having a glabrous corolla tube, smaller capitula with a lesser number of florets, and especially the white pappus.
机译:贡山Youngia,是Youngia的一个新种。基于形态和分子系统发育的证据,对来自中国云南省的“ Mesomeris”进行了描述和说明。新种表面上与假单胞耶氏酵母非常相似,茎单生而直立,叶状裂片状或多或少地裂片状,但可以由具5-6(对12-15)小花的花冠,花冠筒无毛(对。短柔毛的短柔毛,具短白色的散布的头发,乳头白色(对灰色),片卵形到椭圆形,明显大(对非常小,钻形)。根据核糖体ITS的DNA序列数据进行的简约分析表明,该新种与烟草黄单胞菌(Y. cineripappa)互为姐妹,并具有强大的支持,但与后者不同的是,它们具有无花冠的花冠筒,较小的小花冠和较少的小花,尤其是白色巴布斯。



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