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Epidermal anthocyanin production as an indicator of bacterial blight resistance in cotton


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Among near-isogenic upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lines, remarkable variation exists in the ability of the leaves to produce a red accessory pigment anthocyanin when challenged by selected isogenic races of the bacterial pathogen, Xanthomonas campestris pv. malvacearum (Smith) Dye. Inoculated areas that developed visible water-soaking that progressed beyond pinpoint-sized dots, a sign of susceptibility, very rarely produced anthocyanin, and on the couple of occasions in which anthocyanin was seen, it was borderline. Inoculated areas that exhibited resistance by developing little or no water-soaking produced various, but obvious, amounts of anthocyanin, with the exception of the cotton line whose only resistance gene is B-In. These results indicate that anthocyanin production by cotton leaves in response to an unsuccessful challenge by the bacterium is a bacterial blight resistance response, but is not essential for resistance. The epidermis of the adaxial surface of the leaves that received direct illumination was the tissue involved in anthocyanin production. The subsidiary cells of the stomatal complex were the initial participants in anthocyanin accumulation. A protective role of anthocyanin-containing cells against damage by infection-related reactive oxygen species and light-activated phytoalexins to the healthy tissues surrounding infection sites is suggested.
机译:在近等基因的陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)品系中,当受到细菌病原体的选定等基因种挑战时,叶片产生红色辅助色素花色苷的能力显着变化。 malvacearum(史密斯)染料。接种区出现了可见的水浸,并逐渐超过了精确的点,这是易感性的迹象,很少产生花青素,在几次见到花青素的情况下,这是临界点。通过几乎不浸水或几乎不浸水而表现出抗性的接种区域产生了各种但很明显的花色苷,但仅有抗性基因是B-In的棉系除外。这些结果表明,由棉叶产生的花青素响应细菌的不成功攻击是细菌对白叶枯病的抗性响应,但对于抗性不是必需的。受到直接照射的叶片近轴表面的表皮是花色苷产生所涉及的组织。气孔复合体的辅助细胞是花色苷积累的最初参与者。建议含花色苷的细胞对感染相关的活性氧和光激活的植物抗毒素对感染部位周围健康组织的损害具有保护作用。



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