首页> 外文期刊>Physics of atomic nuclei >Dynamics of a vertical flight in the stationary gravitational field of a celestial body: Post-newtonian corrections and gravitational redshift

Dynamics of a vertical flight in the stationary gravitational field of a celestial body: Post-newtonian corrections and gravitational redshift


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The standard problem of a radial motion of test particles in the stationary gravitational field of a spherically symmetric celestial body is solved and is used to determine the time features of this motion. The problem is solved for the equations of motion of general relativity (GR), and the time features are obtained in the post-Newtonian approximation, with linear GR corrections proportional to r_g/r and β~2 (in the solution being considered, they are of the same order of smallness) being taken rigorously into account. Total times obtained by integrating the time differentials along the trajectories of motion are considered as the time features in question. It is shown that, for any parameters of the motion, the proper time (which corresponds to watches comoving with a test particle) exceeds the time of watches at rest (watches at the surface of the celestial body being considered). The mass and the radius of the celestial body, as well as the initial velocity of the test particle, serve as arbitrary parameters of the motion. The time difference indicated above implies a leading role of the gravitational redshift, which decreases somewhat because of the opposite effect of the Doppler shift. The results are estimated quantitatively for the important (from the experimental point of view) case of vertical flights of rockets starting from the Earth's surface. In this case, the GR corrections, albeit being extremely small (a few microseconds for several hours of the flight), aremeasurable with atomic (quantum) watches.
机译:解决了球形对称天体的静止引力场中测试粒子径向运动的标准问题,并将其用于确定该运动的时间特征。通过广义相对论(GR)的运动方程解决了该问题,并以牛顿后近似为基础获得了时间特征,其中线性GR校正与r_g / r和β〜2成比例(在考虑的解决方案中,它们都被严格考虑在内。通过积分沿运动轨迹的时间差而获得的总时间被认为是所讨论的时间特征。结果表明,对于运动的任何参数,正确的时间(对应于与测试粒子共同运动的手表)超过了手表静止的时间(考虑了天体表面的手表)。天体的质量和半径以及测试粒子的初始速度用作运动的任意参数。上面指出的时间差暗示了引力红移的主导作用,由于多普勒频移的相反作用,引力红移有所减小。对于从地球表面开始的火箭垂直飞行的重要情况(从实验角度出发),对结果进行了定量估计。在这种情况下,GR校正尽管很小(飞行几个小时的时间为几微秒),但可以用原子(量子)手表测量。



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