首页> 外文期刊>Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology >Initial characterisation of phytotoxic proteins isolated from Pyrenophora teres

Initial characterisation of phytotoxic proteins isolated from Pyrenophora teres


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Pyrenophora teres, the causal agent of net blotch of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), induces distinctive long dark brown lesions (the net form) or dark brown spots (the spot form), both with surrounding chlorosis. Proteins isolated from P. teres f. teres (the net form) and P. teres f. maculata (the spot form) induce host-specific necrosis. In this study, the activity of these proteinaceous toxins was further characterised. The toxins were heat stable and their activity in planta was temperature and light dependent suggesting a role in targeting metabolically active and light-dependent organelles such as the chloroplast. In addition, proteinase K treatment after toxin treatment did not affect symptom induction by the toxins suggesting they are actively internalised. Adult barley plants were less sensitive to the toxins than younger plants, highlighting a potential adult resistance mechanism. Characterisation of these host-specific proteinaceous toxins produced by P. teres further assists our understanding of the role of such selective toxins in disease induction in plants. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)的净斑点病的致病菌即梭状芽孢杆菌(Pyrenophora teres)诱发明显的长暗褐色病斑(净形式)或暗褐色斑点(斑点形式),两者均伴有周围萎黄病。从P. teres f。分离的蛋白质teres(净形式)和P. teres f。黄斑(斑点形式)诱导宿主特异性坏死。在这项研究中,进一步表征了这些蛋白质毒素的活性。毒素是热稳定的,它们在植物中的活性是温度和光依赖性的,表明在靶向代谢活性和光依赖性细胞器(例如叶绿体)中发挥作用。此外,毒素处理后的蛋白酶K处理并未影响毒素的症状诱导,表明它们已被主动内化。与年轻植物相比,成年大麦植物对毒素的敏感性较低,这突出了潜在的成年抗性机制。假单胞菌产生的这些宿主特异性蛋白质毒素的特征进一步帮助我们了解这种选择性毒素在植物病害诱导中的作用。 (C)2008 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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