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Statin lipid-lowering drugs and bone mineral density.


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BACKGROUND: HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors (statin lipid-lowering drugs) have been associated with a reduced rate of fractures in some studies, but not in others. We examined the relationship between statin use and bone density among postmenopausal women. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey at one academic medical center. Postmenopausal women who underwent bone densitometry and agreed to a telephone interview were surveyed about osteoporosis risk factors, use of hormone replacement therapy and osteoporosis medications and statin exposure. We then developed linear regression models adjusting for known counfounders to assess the relationship between statin use and bone mineral density (BMD). RESULTS: Of 339 women studied, 162 were current or past users of statins, and 177 were not. Statin users and non-users were similar with respect to age, race, prior fracture history, the presence of medical conditions associated with osteoporosis, use of medications for osteoporosis, use of tobacco and use of oral glucocorticoids. Statin users had significantly higher body mass index (BMI) and rates of thiazide use, and were more likely to abstain from alcohol. After adjusting for important confounders, we found that statin use was associated with a significantly higher t-score at the total hip (-0.53 +/- 0.17) compared with non-users (-0.83 +/- 0.18; p = 0.02). At the lumbar spine, there was a trend toward higher t-scores in statin users (-0.91 +/- 0.24) compared with non-users (-1.21 +/- 0.23; p = 0.08). CONCLUSIONS: These results support the hypothesis that statin use is associated with higher BMD. While it is unclear whether their relationship is causal, further controlled studies examining bone formation and resorption would help determine the clinical implications of these findings.
机译:背景:在某些研究中,HMG Co-A还原酶抑制剂(他汀类降脂药物)与骨折率降低相关,但在其他研究中却没有。我们研究了绝经后妇女服用他汀类药物与骨密度之间的关系。方法:我们在一个学术医学中心进行了横断面调查。对接受骨密度测定并同意接受电话采访的绝经后妇女进行了有关骨质疏松症危险因素,激素替代疗法和骨质疏松症药物的使用以及他汀类药物暴露的调查。然后,我们开发了线性回归模型,对已知的共同创始人进行了调整,以评估他汀类药物使用与骨矿物质密度(BMD)之间的关系。结果:在研究的339位妇女中,有162位是他汀类药物的当前或过去使用者,而有177位不是。他汀类药物使用者和非使用者在年龄,种族,先前的骨折史,与骨质疏松症相关的医疗状况,骨质疏松症的药物使用,吸烟和口服糖皮质激素的使用方面相似。服用他汀类药物的人的体重指数(BMI)和噻嗪类药物的使用率明显更高,并且戒酒的可能性更大。在对重要的混杂因素进行调整之后,我们发现,与未使用者相比,使用他汀类药物与整个使用者的t评分显着更高(-0.53 +/- 0.17)相关(-0.83 +/- 0.18; p = 0.02)。与非使用者相比,他汀类药物使用者的腰椎t分数趋向于更高(-0.91 +/- 0.24),而非使用者(-1.21 +/- 0.23; p = 0.08)。结论:这些结果支持使用他汀类药物与较高的​​BMD有关的假说。尽管尚不清楚它们之间的关系是否是因果关系,但进一步的对照研究检查骨形成和吸收将有助于确定这些发现的临床意义。



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