首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Influence of socioeconomic factors on the adherence of alendronate treatment in incident users in Norway.

Influence of socioeconomic factors on the adherence of alendronate treatment in incident users in Norway.


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To examine whether socioeconomic factors influence adherence to alendronate drug treatment among incident users in Norway during 2005-2009.The study included 7610 incident alendronate users in 2005 (40-79 years), followed until 31 December 2009. Mean age was 66.6 years, and 86.7% of the patients were women. Data were drawn from the Norwegian Prescription Database and linked to marital status, education and income. Adherence was measured by the medication possession ratio (MPR). MPR was defined as the number of dispensed defined daily doses divided by the number of days each patient was included in the study. A patient was adherent if MPR ≥ 80%. ORs with 95%CI were estimated using logistic regression.Among all patients, 45.5% was adherent throughout 4.2 years. A slightly higher proportion of women than men were adherent. Adjusted for all covariates, women aged 70-79 years had an OR of 1.27 (95%CI 1.10-1.45) for adherence compared with those 40-59 years. In women, high household income predicted adherence of alendronate use. In men, a middle educational level compared with a low level, predicted adherence (adjusted OR = 1.47 (95%CI 1.10-1.96)). After adjustments, previous marriage reduced the odds of being adherent compared with present marriage, in both men and women.In women, the most important factors for being adherent were high age and high income. In men, a middle educational level predicted adherence. Previous marriage reduced the odds of being adherent in both women and men.
机译:为了调查社会经济因素是否影响2005-2009年挪威事件使用者对阿仑膦酸盐药物治疗的依从性。该研究包括2005年(40-79岁)的7610名阿仑膦酸盐事件使用者,随访至2009年12月31日。平均年龄为66.6岁,患者中86.7%为女性。数据来自挪威处方数据库,并与婚姻状况,教育和收入相关联。通过药物占有率(MPR)来衡量粘附性。 MPR定义为分配的确定每日剂量数除以每位患者纳入研究的天数。如果MPR≥80%,则患者依从。使用Logistic回归估计95%CI的OR。在整个4.2年中,所有患者中有45.5%的患者依从性良好。依从性的女性比例略高于男性。调整所有协变量后,年龄在70-79岁的女性与40-59岁的女性相比,依从性为1.27(95%CI 1.10-1.45)。在女性中,高家庭收入预示着阿仑膦酸盐的使用依从性。在男性中,受过中等教育的水平与较低的受教育水平相符合(预测OR = 1.47(95%CI 1.10-1.96))。经过调整后,无论是男性还是女性,以前的婚姻都比现在的婚姻减少了坚持婚姻的几率。在女性中,坚持婚姻的最重要因素是高年龄和高收入。在男性中,中等文化程度预示着坚持。以前的婚姻减少了男人和女人依恋的可能性。



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