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High use of tramadol in Germany: an analysis of statutory health insurance data.


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Tramadol is a weak opioid according to the World Health Organization pain ladder step II. It is one of the most prescribed analgesic substances in Germany, but tramadol and the step II opioids are very controversially discussed. We analysed patients with filled tramadol prescriptions with special emphasis on high use.We used data from a German statutory health insurance for the year 2007. Patients older than 17 years with at least one tramadol prescription were analysed concerning demographic data, pain diagnoses, comorbidities, concomitant opioids, physician contacts and number of different prescribed substances. We fitted a logistic regression model to find relevant associations with high use (defined as >180 daily defined doses per year).From 22?946 insurants with filled tramadol prescriptions, 7.9% (n?=?1812) are identified as high users; 90.9% of all tramadol patients and 93.1% of the high users have at least one pain diagnosis. The most frequent diagnoses are back pain (78.4% vs 77.1%) and arthritis pain (37.9% vs 41.8%). The results of the logistic regression model show associations between high use of tramadol and rising age, unspecific pain diagnoses, psychiatric co-morbidities, additional prescribed strong opioids and a high number of physician contacts.Despite some limitations, this study shows the prescriptions of tramadol in Germany in an authentic way. It seems that there are some 'challenging' patients that present a treatment dilemma for some prescribers. This might result in a high use of tramadol. Copyright ? 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:根据世界卫生组织痛阶梯第二步,曲马多是一种弱阿片类药物。它是德国处方药最多的镇痛药之一,但对曲马多和II类阿片类药物的争议却很大。我们分析了充满曲马多处方的患者,特别强调了高剂量的使用。我们使用了德国法定健康保险2007年的数据。对17岁以上且有至少一份曲马多处方的患者进行了人口统计学数据,疼痛诊断,合并症,伴随的阿片类药物,医生联系方式和不同处方药的数量。我们采用了逻辑回归模型来查找高使用率的相关协会(定义为每年180每日定义剂量)。从22?946位服用曲马多处方的保险公司中,有7.9%(n?=?1812)被确定为高使用者。在所有曲马多患者中,有90.9%的人和93.1%的高使用者中,至少有一项疼痛诊断。最常见的诊断是背痛(78.4%vs 77.1%)和关节炎痛(37.9%vs 41.8%)。 Logistic回归模型的结果表明,曲马多的高使用率与年龄增长,非特异性疼痛诊断,精神病合并症,额外的强阿片类药物和大量的医生联系之间存在关联。尽管有一些限制,但本研究显示了曲马多的处方在德国以一种真实的方式似乎有些“具有挑战性”的患者为某些开药者带来了治疗难题。这可能导致曲马多的大量使用。版权? 2012年John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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