首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >The use of prescription medicines and self-medication among children--a population-based study in Finland.

The use of prescription medicines and self-medication among children--a population-based study in Finland.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and concomitant use of prescription medicines and self-medication, including over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, vitamins, and complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs) among Finnish children aged under 12 years. METHODS: We carried out a nationwide postal survey of the use of medicines by a representative sample (n = 6000) of Finnish children aged under 12 years in spring 2007. A response rate of 67% (n = 4032) was achieved. The current use of prescription medicines and the use of OTC medicines, vitamins, and CAMs in the preceding 2 days were the main outcome measures. RESULTS: In total, 17% of children had used prescription medicines and 50% some self-medication. The corresponding figures for OTC medicines, vitamins, and CAMs use were 17, 37, and 11%, respectively. Drugs for obstructive airway diseases were the most common prescription medicines, whereas analgesics and antipyretics, including non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-medicines (NSAID), were the most common OTC medicines reported. Vitamin D was the most common vitamin, while fish oils and fatty acids were the most common CAMs used. Ten percent of the children had used prescription medicines and self-medication concomitantly. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the children's medication consists of self-medication, and especially of vitamin use. However, also a considerable proportion had used prescription medicines, and a minority prescription medicines and self-medication concomitantly. In three of the cases, a combination of prescription and OTC medicine with a potential risk for interactions were found. Physicians should be aware of this wide use of self-medication when prescribing medicines.
机译:目的:本研究的目的是调查芬兰12岁以下儿童中处方药和自我用药(包括非处方(OTC)药物,维生素以及补充和替代药物(CAMs))的患病率和伴随使用情况年份。方法:我们于2007年春季对12岁以下芬兰儿童的代表性样本(n = 6000)进行了全国范围内的药物使用邮政调查。答复率为67%(n = 4032)。主要的结局指标是前两天的处方药当前使用情况以及非处方药,维生素和CAM的使用情况。结果:总共有17%的儿童使用过处方药,而50%的人进行过自我药物治疗。 OTC药品,维生素和CAM的相应使用量分别为17%,37%和11%。阻塞性气道疾病的药物是最常见的处方药,而止痛药和退热药,包括非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID),是最常见的OTC药物。维生素D是最常见的维生素,而鱼油和脂肪酸是最常用的CAM。百分之十的儿童同时使用处方药和自我药物治疗。结论:大多数儿童用药包括自我用药,尤其是维生素的使用。但是,也有相当一部分人使用了处方药,少数人同时使用了处方药和自我药物。在三种情况下,发现处方药和非处方药的组合具有潜在的相互作用风险。医师在开药时应意识到自我药物的广泛使用。



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