首页> 外文期刊>Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente >A racionalidade da economia de comunh?o e responsabilidade socioambiental: a gest?o organizacional influenciada por valores espirituais

A racionalidade da economia de comunh?o e responsabilidade socioambiental: a gest?o organizacional influenciada por valores espirituais




This paper discusses the influence of spiritual values in the insertion of socio-environmental dimensions in management processes. A critical analysis of the socio-economic experience named Communion Economy is presented, which highlights the spiritual, ethical and moral values in this economy as inherent motivators of social and environmental considerations. It is a sui generis experience, born within the limits of a religious movement, the Movement of Focolares. It is currently active in 735 companies, mostly small ones, located in several countries, which operate in various economic activities and aggregate a dimension of solidarity to their formal market activity. The considerations presented here reveal a management form based not only on criteria of instrumental rationality (effectiveness, income and performance) but also on dimensions of substantive rationality (ethical, aesthetic and moral).



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