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Tobacco or health in post-modern society – a sociological look at current and future challenges




Many sociologists claim that highly developed societies have entered in the past decades into the new phase of social development – post, late or fluid modernity that substantially has changed the functioning human being, social groups and social institutions. The aim was to analyse whether social, political and cultural changes in post-modern society may influence on attitudes toward health, tobacco use and control. Key features of the late modernity include: 1/ trust to complex, abstract and often recondite technical and organizational systems, 2/ new dimensions of risk connected to changes of civilization and informative revolution, 3/ lack of transparency, uncertainty and increasing chaos in social life, and 4/ fast economic, political and cultural globalization. These categories are used to discover new attitudes toward health and challenges in tobacco control. In the post-modern society, the relationship to health and health-related phenomena, including tobacco use and control, is based in large extent on indirect communication with health care system or even on institutions which do not represent the health sector. Such communication is often assured by non-transparent, highly complex information technologies that require high competences to be effectively used. In fact, modernity excludes and marginalises particular groups of people, including poor and low-educated smokers who have limited access to these technologies and systems. Life in multi-dimensional risk conditions requires from individual self-reflexivity and self-efficacy and strengthens feeling of uncertainty that may have an influence on risky behaviours such as tobacco and drug use or alcohol drinking. Increasing consumerism and high social mobility, typical consequences of globalization, result now more from emotional than material needs, strengthen the feeling of loss and uncertainty, and causes that personal identity has become less firm and more fragmented. In conclusion, effective tobacco control strategy has to take into consideration social phenomena and processes which are observed in the changing post-modern society.
机译:许多社会学家声称,在过去的几十年中,高度发达的社会进入了社会发展的新阶段–后现代,后现代或流动性现代,从根本上改变了人类,社会团体和社会机构的职能。目的是分析后现代社会的社会,政治和文化变化是否会影响人们对健康,烟草使用和控制的态度。晚期现代性的主要特征包括:1 /对复杂,抽象且经常隐瞒的技术和组织系统的信任; 2 /与文明变迁和信息革命有关的新风险; 3 /缺乏透明度,不确定性和社会混乱加剧生活,以及4 /经济,政治和文化的快速全球化。这些类别用于发现对健康和烟草控制挑战的新态度。在后现代社会中,与健康和与健康相关的现象(包括烟草使用和控制)的关系在很大程度上是基于与卫生保健系统的间接沟通,甚至是基于不代表卫生部门的机构。通常需要非公开的,高度复杂的信息技术来保证这种通信,这些信息技术需要高效地使用才能。实际上,现代性排斥并边缘化了特定人群,包括贫穷和低学历的吸烟者,他们对这些技术和系统的访问受到限制。处于多维风险条件下的生活需要个人的自我反省和自我效能感,并增强不确定感,这种不确定感可能会影响诸如烟草和吸毒或饮酒之类的危险行为。越来越多的消费主义和高度的社会流动性,这是全球化的典型后果,如今更多的是情感上的需要,而不是物质上的需要,加剧了失落感和不确定性,并导致个人身份变得不那么坚定和更加分散。总之,有效的烟草控制策略必须考虑到在不断变化的后现代社会中观察到的社会现象和过程。



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