首页> 外文期刊>The Cryosphere Discussions >Climate change threatens archaeologically significant ice patches: insights into their age, internal structure, mass balance and climate sensitivity

Climate change threatens archaeologically significant ice patches: insights into their age, internal structure, mass balance and climate sensitivity




pstrongAbstract./strong Despite numerous spectacular archaeological discoveries worldwide related to melting ice patches and the emerging field of glacial archaeology, governing processes related to ice patch development during the Holocene and their sensitivity to climate change are still largely unexplored. Here we present new results from an extensive 6-year (2009a??2015) field experiment at the Juvfonne ice patch in Jotunheimen in central southern Norway. Our results show that the ice patch has existed continuously since the late Mesolithic period. Organic-rich layers and carbonaceous aerosols embedded in clear ice show ages spanning from modern at the surface to ca. 7600span class="thinspace"/spancalspan class="thinspace"/spanyearsspan class="thinspace"/spanBP at the bottom. This is the oldest dating of ice in mainland Norway. The expanding ice patch covered moss mats appearing along the margin of Juvfonne about 2000??years ago. During the study period, the mass balance record showed a strong negative balance, and the annual balance is highly asymmetric over short distances. Snow accumulation is poorly correlated with estimated winter precipitation, and single storm events may contribute significantly to the total winter balance. Snow accumulation is approx. 20span class="thinspace"/span% higher in the frontal area compared to the upper central part of the ice patch. There is sufficient meltwater to bring the permeable snowpack to an isothermal state within a few weeks in early summer. Below the seasonal snowpack, ice temperatures are between a??2 and a??4span class="thinspace"/span?°C. Juvfonne has clear ice stratification of isochronic origin./p.
机译:> >摘要。尽管全世界有许多惊人的考古发现与融化的冰块和冰川考古领域有关,但在全新世期间与冰块发展有关的治理过程及其对气候变化的敏感性仍然很大未开发。在这里,我们展示了在挪威中部南部的尤通黑门(Jutunheimen)的Juvfonne冰原上进行的为期6年(2009a ?? 2015)的广泛野外试验的新结果。我们的结果表明,自中石器时代晚期以来,冰块一直持续存在。嵌入透明冰层中的富含有机物的层和碳质气溶胶显示出从地表到现代的年龄范围。底部的7600 class =“ thinspace”> cal class =“ thinspace”> years class =“ thinspace”> BP。这是挪威大陆上最古老的冰约会。不断膨胀的冰块覆盖了约2000年前的尤夫纳河沿岸出现的苔藓垫。在研究期间,质量平衡记录显示出很强的负平衡,并且在短距离内年度平衡高度不对称。积雪与估计的冬季降水之间的相关性很差,单次风暴事件可能会显着影响整个冬季的平衡。积雪约为与冰块的上部中央部分相比,额叶区域的前额高20 class =“ thinspace”> 。在初夏的几周之内,有足够的融水将可渗透的积雪带到恒温状态。在季节性积雪以下,冰的温度在a ?? 2和a?4之间 class =“ thinspace”> ?°C。 Juvfonne具有等时起源的清晰冰层。



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