首页> 中文期刊> 《管子学刊》 >先秦时期战功名称问题——上博简《曹沫之陈》的一个启示




. "Cao Mo Zhi Chen", the longest text in Shanghai bamboo silk slips volume 4,had a record of battle achievements, if a soldier win honor, his companion may accept corresponding reward. This is a wonderful material for the shiwu system that share criminal responsibility of one another. Battle achievements were named "duo" in Pro--Qin dynasty period because the soldier was awarded on the basis of the number of people that the soldier killed on the battlefield. From Qin and Han dynasties on, this word of "duo" was no longer described as battle achievements. These arguments provide in-sights into the different view on war in people in ancient time.%上博简简文"一人又(有)多,四人皆赏",是简帛材料上关于"伍"之间相保的明确记载.也是"战功日多"的又一条注解.先秦时期以"多"作为战功的代称,当与自古以来战争的杀伐性质有关.而以"多"释战功,可能源自远古狩猎后的论功行赏之俗."战功日多"之事,秦汉以降逐渐退出人们的视野,这从一个角度让人们看到了上古时代人们的战争观念的变化.



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