首页> 中文期刊> 《管子学刊》 >《管子》的民生思想及其对建设服务型政府的启示




《管子》是战国时期一本重要的治国理论著作,它包含着深刻的民生思想,告诫君主要坚持以民为本,才能国强民富,赢得民心,进而实现治理国家的目标。本文从利民、富民、顺民和爱民四个方面对《管子》的民生思想进行剖析,概括《管子》民生思想的精髓。这一研究可以为我国服务型政府建设提供启示和借鉴。%Guanzi is an important ruling theory book during the Warring States Period ,which brings many genres of views together ,and is the origin of ancient ruling theory .The book contains profound livelihood ideas ,warning monarch must adhere to the principle of people -oriented ,so as to make the country strong and people wealth ,winning the popular support ,achieving the goal of governing the country .This paper analyzes the livelihood thinking of Guanz i from four aspects ,which are giving citizens profits and wealth ,complying with the public and loving citizens .This study will provide in-spiration and reference for building service -oriented government in China .



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