首页> 中文期刊> 《管子学刊》 >1980-2013年蹴鞠文献研究总体述评与对策研究




以中国知网数据库、维普期刊资源整合服务平台和山东理工大学图书馆收录的蹴鞠文化方面的文献资料为研究对象,以文献资料研究的阶段性回顾、研究的内容、文献作者的区域、发表期刊的层次分布这四个方面为切入点对这些文献资料进行整体和局部的分析。结果表明:对蹴鞠文化方面的研究力度、深度和全面性都有待加强;需要继续提高对蹴鞠文化研究的重要性的提高,特别是对年轻一代人;应该大力发扬蹴鞠休闲体育的精神,来实现普通群众对体育的自我满足;需要加大对蹴鞠文化的宣传力度,让蹴鞠文化深入到全国各个角落,向国际化迈进。%This paper reviews studies on Cuju indexed from CNKI ,CQVIP and the library of Shandong University of Technology .These studies are analyzed and commented from 4 perspectives :historical periods in the studies ,content of the studies ,w here the authors come from ,journals w here the stud-ies were published .The following are the findings from this analysis :thee should be an increase in the amount of studies and future studies should be more profound and comprehensive ;the significance of studies on Cuju should be fully advocated ,especially among the youth ;more efforts are called for to promote the role of Cuju as a leisure sport in helping public find self -satisfaction in sporting ,and to publicize Cuju culture so that it will be nation -wide and world - wide .



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