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Trekkers' Awareness of Acute Mountain Sickness and Acetazolamide


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Despite the wealth of information about acute mountainnsickness (AMS) and the value of acetazolamide for itsnprevention and treatment, we have encountered manyntrekkers to high altitude who seem confused about thenuse of acetazolamide in AMS. There appears to be anmisconception that acetazolamide masks early AMSnsymptoms; this is mentioned in some guidebooks.1 Wenhave not found any references to the extent of acetazolamidenusage by trekkers for AMS prevention.nTo test the level of trekkers’ understanding of AMSnand the use of acetazolamide, we performed a crosssectionalnstudy. Formatted interviews were conducted innEnglish with 150 trekkers at Mislung, the exit point fromnNamche Bazar (3440 m altitude) in the Solukhumbun(Everest) region of Nepal on 3 consecutive days in Octobern2001. Trekkers were assessed for symptoms ofnAMS using the Lake Louise Questionnaire scoring system;na score of 3 or more, including headache plus atnleast one other symptom, was the diagnostic criterion fornAMS.2
机译:尽管有大量有关急性高山病(AMS)的信息以及乙酰唑胺在其预防和治疗方面的价值,但我们遇到了许多高海拔人士,他们似乎对在AMS中使用乙酰唑胺感到困惑。似乎有一种误解,认为乙酰唑胺掩盖了早期的AMSns症状。在某些指南中对此进行了提及。1Wenha并未发现徒步旅行者预防AMS的乙酰唑酰胺使用量的程度。格式化的采访是在2001年10月连续3天在尼泊尔Sololhumbun(珠穆朗玛峰)地区的Namche Bazar(海拔3440 m)namche Bazar的出口Mislung进行的,以英语进行了采访。使用路易斯湖问卷调查评分系统评估了徒步旅行者的nAMS症状; nAMS的诊断标准是不超过3分,包括头痛加无其他症状.2



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