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Multiple point scattering to determine the effective wavenumber and effective material properties of an inhomogeneous slab


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In this article we attempt to clarify various notions regarding multiple point scattering. We consider several predictions for the effective material properties of an inhomogeneous slab region which can be derived from classical multiple scattering theories. In particular we are interested in the point scattering limit when wavelengths λ0  l  a where l is the characteristic length-scale of the distance between inclusions and a is the characteristic length-scale of inclusions. In this limit we are able to derive effective properties which are physically valid for any volume fraction , except in the sound-soft scatterer case where there is a condition on the size of . We shall confine attention to random distributions of inclusions and employ the Quasi-Crystalline Approximation to yield results. In particular we discuss the different scenarios of acoustics and antiplane elasticity and stress the reciprocity between these two problems which means that they can be solved simultaneously. We make various statements regarding the efficacy of the various multiple scattering theories in the prediction of effective material properties in the quasi-static limit.
机译:在本文中,我们试图阐明有关多点散射的各种概念。我们考虑了对不均匀平板区域有效材料特性的几种预测,这些预测可以从经典的多重散射理论中得出。尤其是我们对波长λ 0 ≥l≥a时的点散射极限感兴趣,其中l是夹杂物和a之间的距离的特征长度尺度。是夹杂物的特征长度尺度。在此限制下,我们可以得出对任何体积分数在物理上均有效的有效属性,但在声软散射体的大小为的条件下除外。我们将注意力集中在夹杂物的随机分布上,并采用准晶体近似来得出结果。特别是,我们讨论了声学和反平面弹性的不同情况,并强调了这两个问题之间的相互关系,这意味着它们可以同时解决。关于准静态极限内有效材料性能的预测中,我们对各种多重散射理论的功效做出了各种陈述。



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