首页> 外文期刊>Water Supply >Molecular biological detection of hygienically relevant microorganisms in water samples based on specific nucleic acid probes and magnetic beds

Molecular biological detection of hygienically relevant microorganisms in water samples based on specific nucleic acid probes and magnetic beds


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We developed a test scheme using PCR and specific hybrdization fOr the detection of fecal enterococci. A short microbiological corichment step peceding PCR appeared to be necessary to keep a low detection limit (according to the limiting values of the standard methods of the German drinking water regulation). The next stop is a reverse hybridization in microtiter plates coated with immobilized probes followed by a colour development reaction. To improve enrichment and extraction of target DNA and to exclude possible PCR inhibitors. magnetic beads coated with rDNA Probes were applied. The range of target bacteria to be detected by this test Scheme is to be extended including other important indicator organisms e.g. E. coli. The test will be a helpful tool concerning the fast and specific detection of important indicator bacteria.



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