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Researchers, Executives Accountable for Clinical Trial Violations


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Clinical investigators, officials at research institutions and executives of drug companies may all be personally liable for criminal charges and civil lawsuits arising from ethical failures in clinical trials, a panel of experts said. For example, W. Scott Harkonen, former CEO of InterMune, currently faces felony charges of wire fraud and violating the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and could spend up to 23 years in prison in a case involving the selective release of clinical trial results for Actimmune (interferon gamma-lb), Barry Pollack, a criminal defense attorney and partner with Kelley, Drye & Warren, said. InterMune was found to have fraudulently promoted Actimmune for unapproved uses through the selective release of favorable data and paid $37 million to settle felony charges of violating the FDCA, Pollack said (WDL, March 24). He spoke Tuesday at a briefing at the National Press Club sponsored by the RxTrials Institute and the HHS Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
机译:专家小组说,临床研究人员,研究机构的官员和制药公司的高管可能都应对由临床试验中的伦理失误引起的刑事指控和民事诉讼承担全部个人责任。例如,InterMune前首席执行官W. Scott Harkonen目前面临重罪,指控他犯有电汇欺诈和违反《联邦食品,药品和化妆品法》(FDCA)的罪行,在涉及选择性释放毒品的案件中,可能会面临长达23年的监禁。刑事辩护律师,Kelley,Drye&Warren的合伙人Barry Pollack说,Actimmune(干扰素γ-lb)的临床试验结果说。 Pollack说(3月24日,WDL)发现InterMune通过有选择地发布有利数据,以虚假的方式促进了Actimmune在未经批准的用途中的使用,并支付了3,700万美元以了结违反FDCA的重罪指控。他在星期二的RxTrials研究所和HHS研究诚信办公室(ORI)赞助的国家新闻俱乐部的简报会上发表了讲话。



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