首页> 外文期刊>Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on >AES Datapath Optimization Strategies for Low-Power Low-Energy Multisecurity-Level Internet-of-Things Applications

AES Datapath Optimization Strategies for Low-Power Low-Energy Multisecurity-Level Internet-of-Things Applications


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Connected devices are getting attention because of the lack of security mechanisms in current Internet-of-Thing (IoT) products. The security can be enhanced by using standardized and proven-secure block ciphers as advanced encryption standard (AES) for data encryption and authentication. However, these security functions take a large amount of processing power and power/energy consumption. In this paper, we present our hardware optimization strategies for AES for high-speed ultralow-power ultralow-energy IoT applications with multiple levels of security. Our design supports multiple security levels through different key sizes, power and energy optimization for both datapath and key expansion. The estimated power results show that our implementation may achieve an energy per bit comparable with the lightweight standardized algorithm PRESENT of less than 1 pJ/b at 10 MHz at 0.6 V with throughput of 28 Mb/s in ST FDSOI 28-nm technology. In terms of security evaluation, our proposed datapath, 32-b key out of 128 b cannot be revealed by correlation power analysis attack using less than 20 000 traces.
机译:由于当前的物联网(IoT)产品缺乏安全机制,因此连接设备正受到关注。通过使用标准化且经过验证的安全分组密码作为用于数据加密和身份验证的高级加密标准(AES),可以提高安全性。但是,这些安全功能需要大量的处理能力和功率/能量消耗。在本文中,我们介绍了针对具有多种安全级别的高速超低功耗超低能耗物联网应用的AES硬件优化策略。我们的设计通过不同的密钥大小,数据路径和密钥扩展的功耗和能源优化来支持多种安全级别。估计的功率结果表明,在ST FDSOI 28-nm技术中,我们的实现可以实现与10 MHz,0.6 V时轻量级标准化算法PRESENT小于1 pJ / b时可实现的每比特能量,吞吐量为28 Mb / s。在安全性评估方面,我们建议的数据路径(128 b中的32 b密钥)无法通过使用少于2万条迹线的相关功率分析攻击来揭示。



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