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Dream Girls: Women in Advertising


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From the 1890s to the 1990s, women have played the starring role in Ameri-ca's drama of consumption. Since before the turn of the century, "Mrs. Consumer" has made 85% of household purchases. In addition to this powerful economic role, women have functioned as cultural icons, in art and politics as well as advertising, embodying concepts from peace to home to glamour. Meanwhile, during the 20th century, women as a group have shifted their role from isolated domestics to major business, political, and social players. Advertising unintentionally has served as a recorder of the century's cultural revolution in the external and internal lives of women. The 1890s through the 1910s. In the post-Industrial Revolution era, abundance was not a product of the hands, but of the purse. Upper-class women were beneficiaries of male-directed mass production and decorators of the domestic haven.
机译:从1890年代到1990年代,女性在Ameri-ca的消费戏剧中扮演着主角。自本世纪初以来,“消费者太太”已购买了85%的家庭产品。除了这种强大的经济作用外,妇女在艺术,政治和广告中还充当着文化偶像的角色,体现了从和平到家庭再到魅力的各种概念。同时,在20世纪,妇女作为一个整体已经从孤立的家政服务转移到主要的商业,政治和社会角色。广告无意间成为了本世纪女性外在和内在生活中文化革命的记录者。 1890年代至1910年代。在后工业革命时代,丰富并不是手里的产物,而是钱包的产物。上流社会的妇女是男性主导的大规模生产的受益者,也是家庭避风港的装饰者。



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