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Doesn't anybody here want a juicy tax cut?


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It should be an easy sell: a 10 percent cut in federal income tax rates for every American. And at first glance, it is. As GOP pollster Jim McLaughlin notes, if the question is asked alone, without alternative choices, up to 68 percent of respondents approve. But it is dawning on Republican leaders that most Americans—including most Republicans—don't look at tax cuts in isolation (On Politics, Page 26). Polls consistently show about two thirds of Americans saying they would rather pay off the federal debt or shore up Social Security. In today's politics of prosperity, prudence outsells self-indulgence. When Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott took the GOP's favorite agenda item out for a spin at a Michigan town hall meeting last week, even the mostly Republican audience was underwhelmed.
机译:这应该是一件容易的事:将每个美国人的联邦所得税税率降低10%。乍看之下是这样。正如共和党民意调查员吉姆·麦克劳克林(Jim McLaughlin)指出的那样,如果仅问这个问题而没有其他选择,那么多达68%的受访者会批准。但是,共和党领导人已经意识到,大多数美国人,包括大多数共和党人,都不会孤立地考虑减税的问题(《政治论》,第26页)。民意调查显示,约有三分之二的美国人表示,他们宁愿还清联邦债务或支持社会保障。在当今的繁荣政治中,谨慎胜过自我放纵。参议院多数党领袖特伦特·洛特(Trent Lott)上周在密歇根州市政厅会议上把共和党最喜欢的议程项目带出去兜风时,即使是大多数共和党人也不知所措。



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